Into the Wardrobe

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  • Oh wow, is that a career, or something to get yourself established? Enjoying the job?
    And yes, we're moved. I'm a senior in High school, and 17 years old. Things with my mom are the same with any relationship between a 17 year old teenage boy and an older mother, rocky. I'm pretty much ready to move out, just need to attain the means nesecary to do so. Joe is in another treatment center, there to stay until he is better. For a time he was running away from home every day.
    But all in all, I just can't wait till I can leave this mess.
    Hey :) Just felt like saying hi to you, we haven't talked too much tho. How's your week been? ^_^
    Call me Ginny :) how can I call you? xD
    Oh, Jules...It /does/ matter to me, friend, and that's scary. As soon as we scrape together some extra, I'll send you a check to at least help out with part of that, and I insist. I'll keep praying, and I'll see what I can work out as far as designs. I'm sure I can spring for at least four of them. :p Any particular color preference? Love you, sis.
    I had another idea too...I can make TDL pads of paper /really/ cheaply at work. We're talking probably around a dollar or so per pad. I'll price it out, if you're interested. That way you can have physical prizes too. And I'll get working on those avies. I wasn't sure you still needed them. Love you, Jules.
    *hugs* How's my sis? Life's been crazy, but I'm thinking about you, friend, and hoping that things for you are evening out a bit. Have I mentioned you're doing an amazing job with the events area? Let me know if you need me to start working on some avies for your contest. I'm happy to help.

    I'm intending to get the Book Club started the first week in September, but I've got to touch base with ES before that.

    Love you, Jules, and I'm praying for you.
    Thanks. Once my exams are done I plan on enjoying the one month of my summer that's left. :p There's not much else going on. How about you?
    *hugs* Well, I hope things calm down! :) Things are pretty busy for me too. I'm taking summer school because I want to fast track. My exam's on Friday and then I'm done! :D
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