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  • D
    Here you go Beth.;) The only picture of Sauron was really blurry,so I used his finger :p Hope thats okay.;-))


    and a matching avatar,in case you wanted one:

    Let me know if you want anything changed,and I'll try my best to fix it.:D
    Okey-doke,sounds good.:D I've got some pictures of that,so I'll start working on it.:D
    Aww,I think its good.:)
    Sure thing!:D What would ya like?:D
    Thanks for the compliment on my wallpaper.:D
    your Village banner is beautiful!:D
    Oh that list could go on forever, right now I'm listening to Yellowcard, I really like their CD Paper Walls. I love Barlow Girl, Superchick, Stellar Kart, Skillet, DC Talk, Newsboys. I like Third Day, MercyMe, Steven Curtis Chapman, Michael W. Smith, some Zoegirl songs and I'm sure there's more ;)

    Yes, every now and then I do feel like just sitting and talking but more often I feel like playing games with the guys :D

    Yes I've done Bible Quizzing for six years and I have two more year. I have memorized probably over several thousand verses but I don't continue reviewing after we're done learning a book :eek: I have the basic idea of where everything that I've learned is though. We only quiz on the New Testament and though the Gospels are fun they're hard to memorize ;) I like 1 and 2 Corinthians which we're learning this year and 1 and 2 Timothy which we learned two years ago. Romans was also a lot of fun.
    It's a ton easier than erasing.:p Welcome!:)

    Aw thank you.:D I had a lot of fun trying to fit the pictures just so so it wouldn't look over crowded.:p The lens flare was actually in the orginal photo I just changed it's color.:-D
    Don't feel took me forever to learn all the graphic terms.:p

    The best way to eliminate that is this:
    Choose one picture to be your base image for the banner.It works best if the background of that one is a solid color.For example in my banner the base image is the one of Ivy walking.If the picture doesn't stretch all the way across duplicate it,flip it and blend it in beside it untill that image fills the whole image. Then add your next picture and add a layer mask to it (Black<Full Transparancy)and using a soft round brush in White,gently paint the picture back in.I painted Ivy holding Lucius in being careful to not paint in any of the background wall.If the background appears,change the brush's color to Black and paint on the part you don't want.It's time consuming but worth it.;)And when you're completely finished try using the smudge or blur tools to soften the area around hair and also to smooth their skin.:)

    Well it's not really a happy ending per say,but it is hopeful and wonderful.It's a true story by the way which makes it even more incredible.:D
    You're welcome, thank you for liking them, you should listen to more songs so I can talk to someone about them :p ;)

    Yes, sadly girls aren't allowed to play :D but I did get to play like once when there were only a few guys and they weren't allowed to tackle me

    I definitely will, I made a Lucius profile pic that I'm going to put up sometime here ;)

    That is such an amazing quote, and Joaquin Phoenix was amazing as usual. No, sadly that wasn't from memory though I used to have it memorized. I have it glued inside one of my previous Bible Quizzing book, I had it memorized during whatever year we were quizzing on Acts...
    Haha,I know how that helps if I've just seen something and quotes and ideas are fresh in my mind.:p

    Blending is sticking more than 1 picture together without hard edges (for example,your banner is a 2 picture blend,mine is a three picture blend).;)

    Sounds interesting.:)

    Its an incredible movie..absolutely stunning photography,acting,everything....But it is quite violent (two scenes of people being murdered,and a flashback to the first scene),and very,very sad in one place.:( But the ending is absolutely amazing.
    I'd definatley recommend it,lol.:D
    Haha,you're not terrible!!!I think your graphics are amazing..really,it took me months to even blend at all.:p

    Yeah,I agree!:D Happy endings are always the best,especially if its a kinda sad movie otherwise.

    Nope,I haven't but I've heard its good.:p

    LOL,yeah I kinda am..I read the book when I was really little and I always wanted it to be a movie so badly.So I had to become obsessed with it when it finally did.;) Besides its Christian,which is another great thing.:)

    Cool,that sounds very interesting..I'll have to try to find that.I love missionary stories,and End of the Spear is one of my very favorite movies.:cool:
    And I did make a Hobbes banner and it was so cute but I took it off and I can't get it back cuz our computer crashed a long time ago and i don't know how to upload pics anymore cuz my sister (Fernshirehobbit) went to college and she was the one who uploaded it with you photobucket thingy
    LOL,I'd love to see it when you're done with it.:D

    Yeah,I hate it too...Clean movies are soooo nice.:D

    YES!I hate when a film ends with a character's death..its just so..depressing.:rolleyes: But then again I'm such a sucker for happy endings..:p

    The Last Sin Eater is awesome (oh,man,if I keep talking about it with you and GG I'm definately going to need to make myself a banner,lol).I saw it in theatres,bought it on dvd,and have seen it like 9 times now,and I'm still not tired of it.:-D But the critics gave it horrible reviews so I'm probably pretty much alone in my love for it.*rolleyes*

    No I've never heard of Brunchko.:p What was his (?) book called?

    Neat..I've never actually seen an MP3..but I have an ITouch that I'm crazy about.:p
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