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    LOL,thank you.:D I'm glad you like it.;-)
    I got them all from this site.It has the entire movie capped,so you can choose like any scene to make graphics of.:D

    Cool..I haven't seen any of his other films (because of the language) but when/if I get a tv guardian,I'm definately going to see Signs...GGs been telling me so much about it I need to see it,lol.

    I love the way his filming technique is.The thing that bothers me so much about modern films is how jerky and out of order the filming and plot is. Everything about movie flowed beautifully,and the filming was so "soft".I notice stuff like that too much.:p

    Yeah,I almost stopped watching too. I thought I was really close to the ending,and that it was going to end with his death..I was soooo happy when he wasn't really dead.:D lol

    Hmmm..thrillers I've seen..well I've seen a lot but most were terrible *shakes head*. The ones I'd recommend would be Rebecca,the 1940 version starring Joan Fontaine (its more mystery than thriller but its good),and one of my favorite movies The Last Sin Eater.:)

    Yay!!!That should be fun.:-D
    LOL I don't usually get on my laptop more than twice a week and since thats where my gimp is I pretty much reuse old graphics the rest of the time.;) But I made new one today...its in my siggy.:p

    Yeah and that end twist was incredible. I usually guess to some extent where a movie is heading but that one I didn't see coming.

    Ooops..Lucius...:eek: (suffers from spelling problems when attempting to write names I've never heard before.:p)

    Hmm well I loved the scene where Lucius and Ivy are sitting on the porch and he tells her how he cares about her....but I also really liked the part where she stood at the door waiting for him and then he grabbed her hand...I guess those were my favorites.:D
    But I kinda liked..I mean I know it was sooo sad,but right after Noah stabbed him,and Ivy comes running into the house and just sits there holding him.It made me cry,and scenes that make me cry are always epic,imo.;-)

    I'm so glad Lucius didn't die,though..I was so afraid he was dead when Noah stabbed him.:-( Even though the movie should have been a bit least showing that he recovered.....but I guess you're supposed to assume he did.:-D

    So,know of any other clean movies that are similiar?I love thrillers to peices,but they usually have tons of profanity or are grusomely violent.*rolleyes* It was so much fun to see a new one.*grin*
    They're kind of hard rock kind of something else I can't describe, but they have some really good songs, their CDs all fit together like a story.

    Rugby is like football only more violent ;) that's the easy way to explain it :p

    I found some pictures and I'm going to make a Village banner now :D

    as for the line, your wish is my command :D

    Ivy: Why can you not say what is in your head?
    Lucius: Why can you not stop saying what is in yours? Why must you lead, when I want to lead? If I want to dance, I will ask you to dance. If I want to speak, I will open my mouth and speak. Everyone is forever plaguing me to speak further. Why? What good is it to tell you that you are in my every thought from the time I wake? What good can come from my saying I - I sometimes cannot think clearly, or do my work properly? What gain can rise from my telling you, the only time I feel fear as others do, is when I think of you in harm? That is why I am on this porch, Ivy Walker. I fear for your safety above all others. And yes, I will dance with you on our wedding night.
    Awww thats too bad.But thats good that you'll have a new one.:D

    Thanks it's actually a really old one of mine I dragged out of my photobucket because I was bored.:p

    The test was pretty good..hopefully my grade will be too.;)

    I LOVED it..thrillers with wild twists are awesome and Lucien = <3 :p
    Hi!:D Aww the poor thing! Can you get it fixed?:D

    Haha no I haven't heard it but I usually like Relient K..I'll look it up.

    Oh I saw your Will banner,it's lovely!:D

    Well I had a psych test today,and I watched "The Village",and now I'm reading my email and getting ready for bed.:p
    lol your latest Frodo one! yeah Nightcrawler_Fan made me a banner of Lucy and Aslan where he says" if you were any braver you'd be a lioness" so maybe not that...hmm I'm kinda drawing a blank right now too... let me go search some songs and we'll see what I find...
    I dunno I'm sure there is some really cool picture of a lioness roaring and that pretty font that you used for the Frodo banner is nice... hmm I kinda want a quote or a verse or some song lyrics in the background but I dunno which.. you have any good ideas?
    haha yeah it'll be very exciting I know that. lol I'm not done looking at your graphics!!! lol I love them! you think you could make me a Lioness of God one?
    well I love drawing first of all (I have some of my drawings in my album if you're interested) and I am a great listener (if I do say so myself lol) and psychology has always interested me. I mean, what better way to spend my life helping hurting people and drawing all the time, ya know? so that is my first choice, but I also think that Architecture would be fun too, since I love drawing, again, lol and doing blueprints are really fun, and people always need houses designed! Lol so yeah... I dunno I'll be praying pretty hard to see what God has in store for my life... I'm actually pretty excited.
    all seniors say it because its so TRUE!!! lol yeah I'll be going to a local two year college and then transferring to a 4 year. I either want to do Art Therapy or Architecture.
    oo fun! you'll have lots of fun in high school, I think! lol are you excited? yeah I'm going to be a senior next year and its amazing how fast its all flown by...
    lol not really... they're mostly just visiting relatives in other states, maybe a beach trip or two -shrug- nothing big or anything
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