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    Thank you Beth!:D
    Haha,my obsession is spilling over to my friends,it seems...;)
    Thanks for the compliment on my graphic.:D
    we have been going out actually a week. He asked me out 5:00 on a Friday and broke up with me at 5:00 on the next Friday. It's sad but i didnt think it was going to work.
    Yeah I only have a few friends who agree with me on Brave Saint Saturn (Don't know if you're into them ;)) But a lot of the guys in my youth group love Skillet, Family Force Five, stuff like that ;)

    My youth group is pretty great, I probably don't appreciate it as much as I should :rolleyes: there are annoying people like there always will be but it's probably good that some of them are there because they need to hear the lessons. I also enjoy being about the only girl who will play every game that they play (except I'm not allowed to play rugby :p)

    I love it, I'm going to make fish watch it because it's such a cute love story, taht part you mentioned is like one of my favorites, that and when they're sitting on the porch talking ♥ the best part ever!

    Yup, it is pretty awesome. The birth order is ibqwa(etc. I don't feel like trying to type the rest of his name) is the oldest, then another sister (whom I intend to get on here sometime) then Twilight, then fish will squeeze in right there, then Machia, then me, then my two younger sisters
    Wow!!Five siblings.:D That must be awesome!
    Nope I'm an only child.

    ROTFL Now thats what I love about you,Beth..your great humility.:rolleyes: ;-)

    LOL yes we can take the plane.:D Or Superman can fly us.;)
    You have sisters?:D Cute,how old are they?

    You're right.((hugs Davy more gently)):p

    Rotfl! *declares truce*
    *invites Beth to visit tropical island*:D
    LOL...*loves superheroes*

    I know *giggles evily*:p
    *go bear,go!!!*

    :eek: *gasp* *choke* *gasp*
    HOW COULD YOU?????
    *gasps again*
    And you say I'm mean?

    *Brings in the princess from The Snow Queen who brings Davy back to life*

    *smothers Davy in hugs*

    *Goes flying with Superman and Davy to a tropical paradise*:D

    The good guys always win!:p
    I have seen the new one!It was awesomeatic!:D

    not really.But useally i go with Keith only for the whole day.:D

    Yes,Mads is strange.In a good way,of course.

    I know!Steal the one indiana jones wears!:D

    NO!Keith Harkin,specifically.:D
    Superman is always around when you need him.:D
    *looks suspiciously at Beth* Now that was sincere.:rolleyes: ;)

    *Ties Beth to a tree smeared with honey*

    *Sends a bear in her direction*

    *Is caught by Superman falling over the clift and goes flying with him around Metropolis*:D
    :eek: *Is rescued from cliff by Superman*
    Wait..did you just try to kill me?:eek:
    *looks hurt*:p

    *looks slightly evil*


    *Sets giant mouse trap in front of Beth*


    I love to be hyper.:DI'm just not right now.

    I'm listening to music and wearing a fedora.:DI love fedoras.Fedoras are awesome!!!!Don't think otherwise!Well,maybe i am hyper today!OH COOL KEITH!Sorry.
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