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  • The part when they're interrupted by the credits is so funny XD.

    Yeah, the MAAAAAAGICALLLL world of Python. We folks on pythoneline.com call it Planet Palin.
    on Twilight's computer we have folders full of videos we've made. for a long time we only made videos with footage of us and our friends and such. then we found out how to get footage from movies. Mainly it's for our own entertainment, but Twilight and Machia do post some of theirs on YouTube
    sadly, I only have footage of the tenth. I've made several videos before. One with One in a Million by Hannah Montana, one with Binary by Brave Saint Saturn and one with Wherever You Are from the Winnie the Pooh soundtrack :D

    Now I'm using The Call from the Prince Caspian soundtrack
    I didn't use a soundtrack, I was using clips from the movie and the soundtrack behind them was getting in the way :rolleyes:

    Once I'm done with my Doctor Who video I'm working on I'll try to think of a video including Faramir, I'm feeling in a very Faramir mood... :D
    Foam at the mouth and fall over backwards. Is he foaming at the mouth to fall over backwards or falling over backwards to foam at the mouth. Tonight 'Spectrum' examines the whole question of frothing and falling, coughing and calling, screaming and bawling, walling and stalling, galling and mauling, palling and hauling, trawling and squalling and zalling. Zalling? Is there a word zalling? If there is what does it mean...if there isn't what does it mean? Perhaps both. Maybe neither. What do I mean by the word mean? What do I mean by the word word, what do I mean by what do I mean, what do I mean by do, and what do I do by mean? What do I do by do by do and what do I do by wasting your time like this? Goodnight.
    "'Erbert. We live in a bloody swamp. We need all the land we can get!"
    XD I love that part.
    Oooh, and Knights who say "Ni!"
    "Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must place it here beside this shrubbery, only slightly higher so you get the two-level effect with a little path running down the middle....Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring! "
    No, I had it all in chronological order and for once I didn't run out of footage, if I had I would have stuck in bits of the part in Ithilien.
    Hello to possibly my favorite teacher ever (being homeschooled I can say that :D)

    I did finish my Sam and Rosie video, I love it :D I was playing with putting sound clips over the song and it worked out better than I thought it would except for the soundtrack from the movie in the background :rolleyes:
    "Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"
    "No, they could be carried!"
    "Wot, a swallow, carryin' a coconuts?"
    "It could grip it by the husk!"
    "It's not a matter of where 'e grips it, it's a simple matter o' wait ratio. A 5 ounce bird can't carry a one-pound coconut!"
    txs :p:p

    but I have a problem I should be senior member, but they keep telling me I only sent 88, and everytime I send a post, it doesn't change =S
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