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  • you mean on me? :p WE have nukes, and we're a world power, and we're in the security council....I see this working to my advantage. :p We could call you an agressor...cause you are. :p Defeat you easily.
    nonsense....it's the truth about a nursing home...go into one look around and see the security which keeps the occupants inside. Visitors are rare. It's like prison
    i still love my Nessa so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs*
    ok, it may be just me but saying i am "still active" sounded totally wrong. i know what you mean, but i had to laugh.:)
    once again, i am on and you are off. smooth goin'. when is prime time to catch you?
    this would explain why there are so many dutchies round dufferland... they are generally naughty and never do as told :D
    how many years does the average dutchie spend in school then? for us it's 13...
    heyyy, more stalkers (i'm starting to like them, they even leave me notes on my profile :D)
    but isn't lieke already starting college? 17's a weird age to str
    art college but then, she's a dutchie... duffer i mean.
    in germany, we finish school when we're about 19. or maybe we're just need a bit longer than the rest because we're lazy... hmm...
    if i have to go suddenly don't take it personally. i am at the library cause i don't have internet at my house. when mum says go i have to go.
    totally agree. i wish alex would get that through his head. He did do something really bad when he was younger though, but people don't know that. he only told me because his dad told him he needed to. he also had to tell my dad. I felt sr for him, but like i told him my dad forgave him. I don't know maybe you can pray for him. i mean nothing is wrong with him i just wish he would be himself.
    no joke. i have a good guy friend. he puts on these not so cool fronts a lot and it makes me soooo mad because he is so not that way. he is 17. it makes my friends wonder why i like him. he is sooo sensitive and awsomethough. and a great christian. i just wish he would open up to not just me. he said he is just to afraid that people wont like him cause he screwed up in his past. i told him god forgives and that a fear of man is sinful. who knows. guys can be confusing sometimes.
    yep. age 16 driving "cars" think there good at sports. :) i think some of it is ego too. you know guys and the mocho thing. never could really understand that
    yea, i think boys have a tendancy to be more rebellious because they wnat to have freedom and instead of earning it they try to take it.
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