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  • i know they are so much fun. my nephew is learning to be potty trained. very interesting. i hope i don't have as much trouble as she has with any of my kids. who knows maybe i'll have all girls!:)lol
    i am already an aunt. three times over. ( for real) my older sister has a three year old boy a one year old girl and a two month old girl.
    great. growin like a weed though. she is really a good baby. doesnt' cry a lot and sleeps well. A real blessing.lol
    thanks. *puffes up with pride* i thought it might be a good idea to put her on here and sure enough, i have gotten a lto of comments on her.
    hmmm its always interesting when you meat new people and find out you know their family/friends haha
    hope that you have a good day saturday with your niece :D
    yes, university. i am making some good friends and am really enjoying being here :D
    Not yet, moving in at the end of this month.
    Yeah I was thinking that lol but more to mske it homely lol. I really want some Narnia posters!
    We cook for ourselves and if you can't cook you live on take-aways lol or starve but my cooking is okay so I'll be fine. Individually, until you make really good friends anyway then you might want to cook for each other, LOL my mom would freak out major time if I told her I was living on McDonalds lol.
    Actually I made a video with Eowyn and someone from Doctor Who with a Superchick song and of course I had to include Faramir in that :D but you know, Sam has some scenes with Faramir... ;) Thanks for the idea :D
    LOL so it was kinda like a bonus then? The rain I mean.
    Yesh, lol but I will be on dl a lot less though. I've got to make sure that I dont get distracted!
    I dont like the room that I wil be staying in, or the halls for that matter but its only for a year then I'll move into a house/flat with my friends so I'll grin and bare it.
    Oh my goodness, poor Nessa!
    You must be exhausted!
    No I won't be working when I go to uni. I'll need the money though lol my 'rents would rather I focus on my studies.
    Actually the weather has been pretty good for the last couple of days but it did rain like mad on saturday! It was quite scary.
    Really? Last time I saw the ship it was headed towards Terebinthia... ;) :p

    (Haha, and nay I don't play in a band... My profile picture is from when I was doing an "Air Band" for my Youth group...:D)
    I'm still working on a Lord of the Rings video, I only just started it yesterday. It's Sam and Rosie with the song Far Away. But I probably won't join Youtube to post videos for a while, I might join just to comment though.
    I started back school/College *sigh* and taking a break from Tae Kwon Do for awhile until my body get use to walking around. I'm getting ready to move out of my Mum's house yay! so I'm having ups and downs :[
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