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  • Just to provide a non-fantasy topic which some people would find useful. Watch the Lamp-Post section.
    If we were to create a topic thread which had something to do with a subject you studied in school, what subject would you like that to be? (The thread would not need to be titled "THIS IS LOLI'S TOPIC" if you didn't want it to be.)
    Hey. Glad you're having a good time.

    Also, I heard you live in Kansas and would be happy to make new friends. Our member Narniamoondust lives in Kansas. You might want to be friends with her if you want. She's been absent for a while but will be back sometime soon. Send her a message and see. She usually feels awkward receiving messages from strangers but once she gets to know you she's really nice. Try to befriend her.
    *Grins and hugs back*

    The doctor couldn't work me in so I have an appointment tomorrow. Right now I'm just leaving the taping on which is holding the bones fairly straight. -sighs- As long as she doesn't want it rebroken I'll be happy. ;)
    :p Cats are silly like that. My mom always says if one cat is staring at the ceiling/wall don't bother looking. If two cats stare, look, because there's probably a huge bug. :p
    Hello. I like your name and you're very pretty. I'm doing well this evening. I hope you're doing good too. My real name is Michael and I am one of the adults in this forum.
    I like most bugs but thousand-leggers are kinda creepy. There was a two inch long one on my wall last night. :eek: :eek:
    I will not ask you to tell anything you don't want to. But even if it turned out that you were guilty of a horrible crime, the Lord Jesus could still forgive you for it.
    It's no disgrace to be unemployed in the difficult conditions we have these days. But I'm afraid that the fun things like art are the VERY HARDEST kinds of work to get a job at these days, because EVERYONE wants to do them. So I hope you are open to other opportunities if they come. "Gentle Voice," whom I mentioned before, works part-time at a Target store.
    Almost everyone can still learn, EVEN WITH special problems. Are you still in any kind of school? If so, you can probably find members here who are familiar with any subject you study.
    Hehe, mice look so cute! I also love rats, my neighbor has one and he's adorable and loves being held.:D

    You do not have to say anything about this to me... but IF you have any kind of "special needs," you came to a good place when you joined The Dancing Lawn. We have had longtime members with special needs, such as the young woman called Gentle Voice.
    :D It's super hot and bright outside here, too; I think everybody is staying inside since the kids haven't even been going to the pool down the street. There's a bad drought going on here, though, which isn't helping. Everybody's hoping for rain.

    I'm just sitting here on the computer with my cat, Sir Doyle, on my lap. He's the cuddler.:p

    Wow, awesome!!! Your cats and dogs and mice all get along and don't eat each other? :eek:
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