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  • A pleasure 'twould be, for I've heard much of Sir Godfrey's fame, and yet have not met her in person.

    I've just read and replied to thy post. I wish thee and thy horse well.
    Hi Sis!
    Yes, I saw your most recent prayer request. I'm so sorry to hear the latest news. I hope you get to keep the colt. :( Any more new updates?
    Love you! *Hugs*
    Nice! You sound so pretty! I'm some of just about everything (Italian, German, Irish, Swiss...), and I ended up with shortish curly auburn hair, and blueish greyish eyes. So what kinds of things are you interested in?
    Hey there! I'm Beth, too, great to meet you! :D I'd love to be friends! (Though, I'll warn you, I randomly disappear from the internet sometimes, so I suck at replying to messages on time. ;)) So what're you like? :)
    Hello Beth!
    Sorry I haven't been on for a while,my computer had to be SUPER fixed and it took a while...but I'm just letting you
    know that I am back on :D

    Have a GREAT DAY my Friend! :)

    -how was your Christmas and New Year?
    Hope you have a wonderful New Year, my dear friend.
    I accepted your friendship request today. I'm so sorry hon I didn't accept it earlier but I'm less active than I used to be.
    Yeah I know about your fall. I replied to it before we even met. My sister had a horse and he has been put to sleep because of a disease. During the time you wrote about your fall my niece also felt off her horse but she was unharmed. So how are you doing now?
    Hi Sis!
    Oh no!!! I just read your new email today!!! I'm so sorry to hear that you've had a relapse now. :eek: I'll continue praying for you, love. How are you doing right now? And how is the foal doing?
    Not yet, because I haven't been back to my blog for ANY reason in a long time. Part of what has kept me busy can be seen in the "Doozy" prayer thread.
    I've turned a corner, just beginning to recover from the terrible cold and bronchitis I had.
    I am ready for Christmas. I wrapped my presents today, actually.:) Yes, I have e-mail, but I don't give it out online.;)
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