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  • Umm, hello! Or greetings, if your prefer :p. Haha, was caught off guard by the notifications since they are so rare LOL!
    I'm April and of course I'd like to become friends with you =D. I think I've seen Turkish Delight around the boards as well :p.
    I love your avatar!
    Awww.... I'm so sorry. I think I might be coming down with a cold, but that's nothing like what you're going through. =/
    Merry Christmas!!! :) I pray that you will enjoy a blessed holiday season, even though you have been struggling with many problems in your life. I'm praying that you will get well soon, among other things. :)
    I'm really, really sorry. I have been so busy with school work! I will upload it right now and then PM it to you.
    It was great--in some respects, better than the movie! All members of the cast were enormously talented.
    I have what may be a mild case of pneumonia. Nonetheless, my sister's family took the risk of letting me visit them. Last night we saw a musical play, an adaptation of the old movie "White Christmas."
    Let me say ...

    I'm so sorry, love. That is very hard. You're in my prayers. Did you ever hear about Rabbi Joachin? He went to this poor man's house for the night, and the poor man welcomed him, fed him, gave him a place to sleep, and that night the poor man's cow died. Then the rabbi moved on to a rich man's house the next day, and the rich man was rude to him, made him sleep in the barn, and wouldn't give him dinner, and Rabbia Joachin mended a hole in his stone wall. The rabbi's servant said it was so unfair - the poor man who was nice had his cow taken from him, and the rich man who was rude got his fence mended.

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