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  • The rabbi said the night they stayed with the poor man, the angel of death had been coming for his wife -- but because the poor man was so gracious, death took the cow instead. And there was a treasure buried in the rich man's wall, which he would have discovered and been even richer, but because he was so mean, Joachin mended the wall, and kept him from finding the treasure. It's not much comfort, but you never can know exactly why things happen ... Maybe they happen for a good reason. I am one of those who believes our beloved pets go to heaven, so you will see your horse again. Hang in there.
    Aw, I'm sorry to hear that...I hope to see you get good news sometime soon ^^

    Desteria? What might that be?
    Oh I thought Desteria was a cow (lol) which of course makes it all the worse because I like horses even better! (crys) that's sad, I'm glad she left you a present to remeber her by though.
    Oh no, I'm so sorry. That's terrible you lost her-she must've been a truly wonderful horse. Please accept my condolences, and sorry that I didn't write sooner. I haven't been online much, so I didn't see your thread until today. :(
    Dear Beth,

    I'm glad you're home for this wonderful season, and I do hope you'll heal quickly and painlessly. I pray that your wounds will not take away from the great joys of this season, the birth of our saviour, no less!
    This may be kind of early for Christmas greetings, I hope you don't mind. I wish you a most wonderful Christmas, and I hope you get lots of love, and lots of gifts. ;)

    Wishing you the very best,
    Sorry sweetie, I have been so slammed with work, travel and family stuff, I have not been on TDL in days! I hope you're OK. Blessings.
    Thank you for updating us on your prayer request regarding your health, but please update to the original thread rather than creating new ones each time you have an something new to report. Otherwise it is confusing as to what you are talking about if your prayer request news is all fragmented.
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