Pirate Queen
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  • lol! Good! Patience is a virtue! I read a book in which the main character was named Remember Patience, her mother named her that so she would always be patient. :p Hawk Nelson rocks! :p:D ROFL! Awesome. :p
    Haha! Thats what you get for typing too fast! Patience, friend. :p ROFL! A hurt puppy, eh? Sorry, I prolly shouldn't laugh at that, but the image in my head is too funny! :p Have fun! :D ROFL! Yeah, I'll dress up just to take a pic just to show you! :rolleyes: :p

    LOL! Nothing wrong with hyper-ness! :p=D
    MISERABLE...*cough* :p
    LOL! We'll see...And, no, I won't have a date. At least, I'm not planning on it. :p My sister will be there, though. :p The Alma Mater (sp?) of our school are allowed to come back to go to prom...

    Nope! Still here! :p=D
    But, I don't wanna go!!! *pouts* :p I don't wanna dress up! I hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it! :p I might go though...ya never know...

    Ha! We're online at the same time again! :D
    Haha, yeah, reading is the only reason to get off TDL! :p Hey! Maybe I'll ask what your real (first, obviously :p) name is! Really? AWESOME! *excited* :D My prom is in...I think its 3 1/2 weeks...Although, I'm probably not going (I think I already told you that...lol! :p)

    LOL! Yup, it made my day, too! :p=D
    Wow that sounds fascinating. I was a docent for a history/art/science museum for several years, but never got to handle any of the collection. I guess you wear gloves when you work, and you must be gaining a lot of valuable experience. What period of history is your favorite?
    '*gaps*'? :p ROFL!
    Yeah, I know!!! :D Sadly, not long...:( I have to go read in a minute (my Mom got me a new book that looks really interesting!!! :D). Haha! No problem! I'll mark it on my calender! =D Yeah! I'll be thinkin' of a question! You can ask me a question then, too! =D
    Hi Pirate Queen,
    Thank you so much for your birthday greetings. By the way how are things with your internship at the museum? What a wonderful opportunity!
    Yeah, I need one desperately! Sorry you don't get one! :(
    I mean like in the summer...I'll probably just continue posting VM's & in the Mafia Game thread...but, its just not as much fun anymore, to post everywhere all the time like I used to, you know? The only reason I really get on anymore is (like you) to talk to all my friends & the people I'm starting to miss terribly! :( Maybe that'll change though, and I'll start posting a lot again...*shrug*
    LOL! Me too! Thankfully spring break (for me...) will be coming soon! =D Although, honestly, I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to get on TDL like I used to...And that makes me soooooooooooooooooo SAD! :(:(:(

    ROFL!!! :p
    Yeah,I answer visitor messages,and post on about 4 or 5 threads,but thats about it.

    Hehe,me too.I loved them.:)
    Hope you like them!
    Hi Sheri.:) Sorry I didn't reply sooner,I'm not on TDL much now...
    Oh,yes,I read those last year.They are awesome!:DI <3 David and Ellie. That series has some "sequel"/"prequel" stories,too,which are really good like "The Twilight of Courage",and "The Zion Covenant".I love how all their books are semi-tied together.Very cool.:D
    LOL! Tooooooo loooonng!!!! :p
    Haha, I know how you feel about Summer coming...:D *mouth hangs open* I wannna goooooooooooooo!!!! *wails* :p Seriously, though, thats AWESOME! Have fun! :D
    Let me tell you what my days consist of now (in this order. =P);
    Wake up, eat, school, eat, go home, eat, homework, more homework, 10 minutes of TDL, go to sleep, wake up....I'm losing my mind (not that I really ever had a mind to begin with, but if I had, it would be gone now, anyway.)!!!!!!!!!!! :p
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