Pirate Queen
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  • Hmm... I like all books really but right now my favorites are teh Harry Potter series just because I'm rereading it.
    Yeah, I was thinking you were either a junior or senior! I knew you were very close to my age, lol. Anywho, yes, it's gone by soo fast! My college english (dual-credit course) teacher kept telling us at the beginning of the year "May will be here before you know it!" and yesterday he was all "Remember when I said May will be here before you know it? Well, folks, its March!" and I was like ":eek:"
    Well, MK is a sophomore this year, so I will be leaving her behind :( I've actually changed my plans. I've decided I'm *totally* not ready to leave home yet, so I'm sticking around and going to community college. So, I won't really be going anywhere, haha... but I'm still really going to miss my underclassmen friends..
    Er, I'm definetly not going to prom. It's a long, weird situation, and I'll tell you all about it if you want, but I'm not going to get into it now. Lol :rolleyes:
    Your trip sounds awesome! I still say take me with you. I can go sightseeing and take pictures while you're in classes, so that way you should be all set ;)
    No, it went by wayyy too fast! I'm excited about moving on with my life, but I'm really going to miss alot of people. Like MK :(
    And my car is way cool, probobly too cool for me :rolleyes: I can't drive it yet because my dad has to make it Perfect :rolleyes:
    Well. You should go to prom! Seize the day! I don't believe I am going. Lol. WHAT you get to go to Philly?! Why? Take me with you!! :D
    ROFL! I remember that! Those were fun days! :p:D

    RFFK - Gmail has its own archive system so you never have to delete an email (unless you want to). You can even search your archives using Google's search engine! ;) *hopes you didn't already know that:p*

    lol! I'm sure you'll find more. :p
    Hey Sheribelle! I've been doing okay. Three months left of high school! Yay! I got a car, and have been doing a very good job of procrastinating absolutely everything :p Eh, not much really! What's going on with youuu?
    Oooh,I read a really good historical fiction,so I thougt of you..have you ever read Jack Cavanaugh?(He wrote a trilogy about WWII called Songs In the Dark.) Well,I just read Dear Enemy by him..It was really good.:cool:
    Glad you like it!;)
    Cool!!!:cool: Never seen that site before.
    I love Sense and Sensability and Emma.:D
    Yeah good mysteries are hard to find.:(

    Yep Christianbook.com. ;)
    Haha My friends either don't read or read horror..I have odd friends.:p
    I don't mind romance as long as it's stuff like Jane Austen.Not mushy-gushy or improper stuff.I read most every kind of book but I like historical,mysteries,and legal thrillers best.:cool:

    Yeah my library is small too but it does something called inter-library loan.You can request books and movies and they send them from other libraries..You could ask if your library does it.;)
    Have you ever gotten on Christian Book Distributors (CBD fiction) website? They have hundreds of books all by catagory.I get the catalog and borrow the books that look interesting.:)
    ((hugs))I know how bad days can be.:(

    Neat- o!!!!!I've never met anyone near my age who likes Christian fiction!:)
    I loved "The House of Winslow"...I actually finished the last book just a month ago.:D And Lauraine Snellings pretty good..I like her too.
    Hmmm other writers:Well,I liked B.J.Hoff's series "An Emerald Ballad" about Irish immigrants to NYC in the 1800s....and Lori Copeland's "Men of the Saddle"series was cute.One of my favorite historical fictions is "Veil of Fire" but I forget the writer's name (something like Marlo....?)it's a true story of pioneers in a small town out west.:)
    You didn't offend me.:)I just wanted to say that some Twilight fans aren't obsessed.Yep I agree obsession is bad.:)
    I love historical fiction!!:DDo you read Christian books?
    Erm I was reading the anti Twilight group and just wanted to interject that I like it but I'm not obsessed.I've read the books twice and may see the film and I like Jacob.But I don't think about it the rest of the time and I hate Edward and Bella.So yeah......:eek:
    Ummm...hi and how come your page says you're one years old? Oh and I like your signature...so does my sis. :p
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