Pirate Queen
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  • that's soo nice !! narnia songs ! well, i know to play 'the call', but i learn it in youtube :D LOL!
    and you? do you buy the sheets ?

    yeah ! my friends think that play piano (actually they like to say keyboard, hum?) and classic music it's too old and strange .. :p
    I love reading stuff that is written like that...Yeah, It'd be awesome if people still talked like that...

    I know! Wouldn't it be awesome if some of the Duffers got famous...like, some of them wrote books, others became actresses/actors...That would be so cool, but we'd probably have no idea that they were Duffers! :rolleyes: :p

    Awww, that stinks (about me already being gone & about the texting bill :)eek:))! :(

    I wonder how long I could go typing like I was a Shakesperian Englishmen...hmmm. :p=D
    LOL! I shall never forget thee! *cough* Olorin & MF rubbed off on me a bit. :p

    lol, I know! Pure genius! i have some of his posts on my bulletin board in my room they make me laugh so much when I read some of them...*is definitely NOT obsessed with TDL...:p*

    Lol! See ya tomorrow!
    Oh what a hard life you have! :p (there's my sarcasm. :p)

    lol, maybe.

    READ the second half o this post! It may be the greatest piece of Duffer literature ever written--& I think just about every TDLer can relate! :p:D Here
    Oh, thats too bad...You need to get you're desktop fixed. :p

    My puppy loves or hates the fray...I'm not sure which. Every time I play them (only them--I can play any other band and he doesn't react) he barks for the first (approximately) 30 seconds of the song. Crazy, huh? :p
    Why don't you play Mafia? Its so much fun! We used to play in real life at my school, but we sorta just stopped playing so I was so excited when I saw that TDL had a Mafia thread! :p:D
    Haha! My friends always ask me stuff like that about the Narnia movies. :p

    Yup! Yup!

    Why do they freak you out? I love it!!!!!! House is the King of Sarcasm! I'm very sarcastic in real life (its harder to be sarcastic on the computer than in real life :p), but House is like me times 3. And I love sarcastic humor. :D
    Yeah, that would be unbelievably awesome! :p

    I don't understand why everyone loves it so much! My brother-in-law thinks they're the greatest movies ever. :rolleyes:

    *random* I might have asked you this before, but I can't remember so I'm gonna ask again :)p) Have you ever seen House (TV show)?
    LOL! Now, I'm gonna have to look Desperate up...Yeah, White Horse & Love Story are probably my favorites...
    Haha! Thats so funny--I wonder if we'd get along together if we met...

    hum, i play classic, popular, christian music, brasilian popular music.. all the types :D and you ? oh, i really like tchaikovsky !

    Yup! Good song! I like A Little Too Not Over You, too...:D *random* I like Taylor Swift's Fearless album more than I thought I would--What do you think of it?
    Haha, I still think its funny that you know someone who reminds you of me...I wanna meet him & see how much hes really like me...:p
    ROFL! Nope, I don't.
    ROFL! Kevin Mariner? Most of my ancestors were sailors...:p And I didn't say I'd vote for her. :p=D

    I like Cook's voice better...though I tend to favor Archuleta's song lyrics/music...;)
    LOL! I just looked him up on youtube & hes really good! ;) I'm sure he'll do great!
    She is beautiful...but not the best singer. ;):p:D

    LOL! My friends said she went home...Awesome!! Yeah, the only person who I've ever rooted for almost all the way through the show (that made it past Hollywood week) was...DAVID COOK (his first audition was the only episode I watched until it was in the...Top 8? I think...=P)! Though, I liked David Archuleta (sp?), too. ;)
    Grrrreat! :p:D Glad you like 'em!

    ROFL! Thats literally EXACTLY what my friends said...One of the guys in my class said he thought she was good & the girls all just glared at him...:p

    :eek: Wow, what kinda phone costs $180?!?! :p
    I wonder if I've still got family in England...I'd love to meet them. And I hope you get to meet yours. :)

    Good! Hope you like it, but I'll forgive you if you don't. :p
    lol, all day today I heard my friends complain that 'Bikini Girl' (?) made it to the next round...:p I'm sure he'll do great! Maybe...:p
    thanks ! oh, i saw in 'the official illustrated movie companion' ... :D so, are you really a pirate ? lol :D
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