Pirate Queen
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  • You should watch it again! I love P&P. :D
    LOL! I know, its not like the world is gonna end tomorrow! :p
    Work, smurk! :p I watch it sometimes, especially at the end when everyone is good...I feel so embarrassed for those people that are terrible at the beginning that I have trouble watching...:o:P

    EDIT: Sa-weet!! Snow is awesome...=D
    ROFL!!! I watched it--reminds me of that scene from Pride & Prejudice (the one where they dance--at the beginning, I think)...
    Yeah, it was completely unexpected! :eek: :(
    Sa-weet!! Yet another book on my reading list. :p
    LOL! Not obsessed--casually interested. :p
    YES!!! =( I hate it!!!!!!! But, I don't have school today! (Snow!!! Its only supposed to be 1/2 inch, but when you live in the heart of the South even a snowflake is enough! :P) so I'll be on & off all day. =D
    LOL! Yeah, same here. :p

    What music video? Aw, that's lamE (yes, with a capital E! :p)!
    Pretty good--very sad.
    No! I need to remember to get it from the library...
    LOL! I don't love them--they're ok (judging from the first two) :p:D
    lol, it lasted longer than I expected...:p
    Wow, that sucks! Yeah, mine was pretty good, I didn't do anything really special, though--so I guess you could say it was like any other day for me! :p
    Lol, how many songs do you have on it?

    *random #1*
    Have you ever seen Bridge to Teribithia?
    *random #2 (:p)*
    I'm gonna start reading Twilight today--but its only b/c my friends keep pestering me plus I wanna know what I'm talking about when I argue against the books. ;)
    Secret santa is just for fun. Don't worry about it...If I remember correctly that person got something.
    From Your Secret Santa:
    lol I'm pretty sure people who don't know me think i'm stuck up or weird, I'm not (well I dont know about the 'weird' part :rolleyes:), I'm just really reserved.
    I dont have a DVD drive on my computer, but if i did, PC would be going in it :D
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