Pirate Queen
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  • Yeah, we were pretty close...But, I'm tryin' to be thankful for the time I got with him...plus him dying got almost ALL of our family (on my dad's side) together for the first time in a looooong time, so thats good. :) Plus we found an old family tree that had our family all the way back to the 17TH CENTURY! Being the history buff that I am I thought that was awesome. :) My dad's family is originaly from Derbyshire England--Cool, huh? And I had a relative who was disowned by the quakers for fighting in the Revolutionary war. :p

    Haha, they've got a new CD out today, their style isn't for everyone but I love them. :P You can look up their new song "You Found Me" on Youtube, if you wanna hear them...
    Aw, that must have been aggravating!!!

    Aw, that stinks!
    Not so good...My Grandpa died on Saturday night so I had to go to his funeral yesterday...very sad. :(
    But, on the bright side...I got The Fray's new CD. :rolleyes::p
    oh, yeah ! i thought i was really boring to talk my opinions .. lol :D but this is NARNIA forum and i had to participate ! the forums here are so great ! people in TDL make a really god job .. are you new here too ?
    Dude. That's a really bad deal! I hope the ice storm stops and that your cell phone will work. Don't you hate that?? Let me know how that works out.
    Good! Never give up, Sherible! :p

    I've been told you can put it in a bag of rice over night to dry it out...

    Yeah, I'm not obsessed like some, but it does bug me (especially since our home phone is BROKEN! :eek::p)
    I'm good! Working on some homework, & (speaking of cell phones :p) Looking for my cell phone which has been lost for DAYS! :eek: :p Aww, man! In the washing machine? That stinks!
    That's cool, I can understand that. =) I'm still excited, though! :p
    lol well i just...didn't want to turn 18. I really liked 17. Now I'm an adult and its scary. lol.
    A virus? I hate those. Usually when my dad tries to "get it under control" he ends up wiping the whole thing..:rolleyes:
    How old is your little bro? lol! Have fun with that!!
    I think i'm going to brave the dark abyss of dial-up internet and try to download with my new iTunes card! should only take about half a day..:rolleyes:
    Yup, yup!
    Hey, there's nothing wrong with living in a box every now and then...Keeps you humble. :p Yeah! It would be awesome & I would be rich! :p:D
    OH NO!!!!!!!!kxnvnsdkf I hate viruses! At least its gone now...:D
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