Pirate Queen
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  • Nope. We are closed on Christmas Day and New Years Day. I'm throwing a PAAARRTTYY!! :D Gotta run but I hope you have an awesome holiday!
    Glad its working! :D
    Yeah, I was sitting between my mom & my sister...:eek::o
    Haha! Yeah, we really need to get rid of some of our puppies (as much as I love them...they're just too many!:p)
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not on Christmas break!!! :( Hope your computer gets fixed!

    Life is ok....I went to see 'Yes Man' with Jim Carey (awesome movie, but there were a couple of really embarrassing parts...:o) And I'd like to see 'Seven Pounds' with Will Smith (but I'm not sure if thats gonna happen...).

    And my puppies are becoming a hassle! :p They're SUPER energetic & impossible to keep up with. Sometimes I feel like I have 6 children instead of puppies! :p
    Aww, that stinks! :( We have six puppies...:)

    Yup! Hes got the best personality of the bunch, I think...I was considering keeping the brown one (shes my favorite) but my best friend said she wanted it so I decided to give it to her...Now I don't know which one I want! :confused: :p
    Ummmm I think I have the best memories in Nebraska. Probably Nebraska, closely followed by Iowa (even though my time here hasn't been THAT great :rolleyes:). Then there's Mississippi (I don't remember it at all but it's better than other states.) Then I'd probably choose Texas and then Colorado. That's in the order of my favorite places, not in the order that I lived in there. Colorado was beautiful but my memories are tainted by the way I was treated by people there.
    Its awesome! I haven't read the book (didn't know there was one until after I saw the movie) but I plan on reading it over my Christmas break.

    I have to go to bed (:() See ya later!
    Yup! And its forecast to be 70 tomorrow & 75 on Wednesday! :p:D Have fun with the 20 degree temps up there! :p

    I really like Pirate Queen anyway--its cool. ;)
    Lucky!!!!! It was, like, 70 degrees outside today! It felt great! :p:D

    Haha! Thats cool! PotC ROCKS! ;):D Well, let me see...Whats your favorite movie now? Or your favorite musician? Or something historically significant? Or something from your favorite book?
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