Pirate Queen
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  • Dude, I couldn't find the 3-disc Prince Caspian at Wal-Mart either :mad: However, I have watched the movie three times since Tuesday :eek: Whats up? :p
    Awwwwwwwwwww, I'm sorry. :(

    Yeah, I got the three disc, in fact! I watched about 30 minutes of the commentary & it seemed pretty cool...commentary's are my favorite parts of most dvds. :D

    But, the bigger gift is...I GOT A MAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYA!!! I'm on it now! Its a desktop, but its amazing!!! :D

    This means that I can start making Youtube videos again! I can use GIMP, too! YAY! :D
    Geometry! yeah,I'm with you there. Right now I'm doing Algebra 2 which in my text book is a mix of algebra, geometry, and trig. So, yeah I don't like math either. =]
    LOL! How funny! *delighted grin* I should pop into the local police station and take a pic of me behind bars for you, just to see how it compares with your mental picture! :rolleyes:
    Awwww... well, at least you get some holiday.....! *smiles lamely*
    Whooops! Haha! You should know me well enough to know that 99.999.9.9% of what I say is j/k material! LOL But scaring people is fun too... :p
    Aussies end school year ends at with the acutal year... so I get about 2 months of non-school time! WOOT!! :rolleyes: :D
    Sheri!!! Oh-my-gosh! I know!! *teary eyed reunion* Holidays start in a week or two, so I'm going to be hopefully spending more time around here. :D
    Oh, it's horrible! My teachers all hate me, my school books are filled with all these complicated scribbles and mysterious words, my 'real life' friends are spending social time by glaring at each other and I tried to knock down my school, but I got found out and spend a weekend in prison... :rolleyes: LOL j/k j/k... Things are pretty awesome over here. :D
    How about you? Do you get a break over the Christmas/New Year season?

    I saw them a couple of days ago, They're AWESOME! I love the one where Peter is on Caspian's horse & says 'I am Prince Caspian' then Caspian says, 'no you're not! Get off!' :p
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