Pirate Queen
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  • Hello Sherible! Not much here (Surprise! Surprise! :p). Aww, I'm sure it was great! ;):D
    Yeah! I'm soooooooooooooooo excited! I can get on all day long again! :p

    Btw, I think I've asked you before but...How did you come up with your user-name?
    It's because you're from the South. I'm jealous haha! I had a Christmas in Texas. That was an interesting affair.
    We get a few every year. About two years ago there was a really terrible one that pretty much shut down the whole town. It was scary!
    Hmmm well regardless of where it is I think I'll be closer to it when I go to college. *loves geography*
    Free spirit? That IS cool! Almost as cool as princess :cool:
    ttyl! :D

    ps i love you
    Hmm it must be a) Kentucky b) Tennessee or c) Arkansas. You dont have to tell me, but I'm going to think Kentucky. :D Ahhh Idk how many times I've wished we lived closer lol :(
    We're expecting another storm tomorrow night, and another on Thursday night. However this is finals week so that could get messed up O_o
    The only thing I like about "Sarah" is that it means "princess" :D
    You must live to the east of me. We had a snow day today. Though it was really just alot of ice...lol. It's intense! Prepare yourself! I'll be praying for your safety :) I'm pretty sure you'll have everything canceled tomorrow!! ;)
    Beeswax? ROFL! Good thing my name isnt really Cera! :D
    I still wish it was though...lol.
    Aw, what was wrong with you? I had a sore throat, fever, nausea and a headache. Lucky I survived :eek::p
    You hadda crazy weekend? Lol I did....um nothing except the ACT test. (again.) Pretty slow. Right now I'm (un)patiently awaiting winter break! School cuts too much into my sitting-around time. :mad::D
    Like,what's up?
    The snow is beautiful. It's just dangerous and I don't like the cold that much. :p No one is ever satisfied with what they have. :p It's true that we don't know what we've got until it's gone.
    Haha the film is so good! I dont know what it is, but I am just not getting tired of it! i could watch it right now and be spellbound...again :rolleyes: I wish you lived nearby..we could have a Narnia party and squeal over it and stuff :rolleyes::D
    oops lol i meant that i'm at home, sick...i'm better now but it wasn't pretty yesterday!
    The roads here are way icy. Super annoying ya know? I'm glad that it was a bit warmer today. That's always good :)
    Yay for Narnia addicts! :D I started watching the commentary, but then I just ended up watching the film again. I couldn't restain myself! It's stronger than I am! :p I might watch the commentary later today, I'm home sick :(
    What have you been up to?
    Haha I dunno I just felt like talking like that. randomly. hehe. Christmas break starts not next week but the week after. :) And it's 2 weeks long. So. I am definitely gonna be on TDL if i have time but i hope my parents dont keep me busy w/ my relatives who are coming in... Yeah. But. I'm excited to talk to everyone!

    Please allow me to express my ardent remorse for my lack of TDL time this year. I've been nostalgically recollecting about my summer vaction, AKA TDL vacation, and I SOOOOOO miss you guys!

    I'm alright. How are you? We got some rain today and now the roads are crazy slippery. I fear for my life a little bit.
    I only have the single disc. I've watched it six times. :o It's SO GOOD! True, they completely ruined the book (which is my third favourite in the series), but....WOW. :D
    I asked for the 3-disc for Christmas, so....:D
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