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  • If you look at the _first_ Monologues thread, you'll see that someone decided Vanessa, Mike and I _shouldn't_ mind at all if he came in and _killed_ the preacher at the wedding! In a VM after this disruption, he _actually_ tried to convince me that allowing this would not have been ruining the scene, because we could say that another preacher came to take over! Do you suppose that this meddler would think it just fine for HIS characters to be killed, because others could take over?
    Despite the SSSS-LLLLLL-OOOOOWWWW-ness of the forum upgrade, and the constant shutdowns, I hope to be portraying Emmett and Queenie's wedding rehearsal in less than 24 hours from now. In case you haven't looked yet, the evil wizard who first corrupted the Snow Queen has been dealt with, removing a major obstacle between the couple and peace of mind.
    Thanks for taking the trouble to reply to me, when you have a loss of your own to occupy your mind. Would you be up to joining in the new thread started by Near, about ability to believe in God?
    In case you haven't heard, my Dad is in a rehab center now, and has already walked a little, albeit using a walker.
    What's now developing in Monologues is building toward a climax which will bring my "own-self-character" into the spotlight more than I've done most of the time.
    Thanks love! I knew I could count on you ;) The sun is shining from the south (which is my living room) and it's there the whole day. The temps are a bit average. I don;'t know it in fahrenheit but in C it's around 20 C. We do have a shop for gardens nearby called Intratuin. They are doing the christmas shows again this year! I love the smell of plants and trees :D I might check philodendrons. *writes down the names of the plants* and I agree...a house without a plant is not a real house ;)
    Primmy!!!!!!!!!! I send you hugs!!!!! Can you give me a good advice? What kind of plant would be great to have inside a home? I love plants and am looking for one which will bloom and which can be kept inside
    Hi there! Hope this finds you doing well. Do you have a moment to stop by and encourage Copperfox in the Prayer Requests thread: "Total Prayer Burnout"? Thanks and blessings! Songs
    It _shouldn't_ be long at all after U.S. Thanksgiving Day, real-world time, before the Christian gunslinger (think "Gospel Bill," for those who know that TV character) and the converted former sorceress are united in holy marriage on Monologues. In make-believe time, a few things still need to happen:

    1) Aslan must meet with Emmett and Queenie, to give them advice about marriage. (Hey, Evening Star, can I get YOU to assume the role of Aslan for this?)

    2) Wedding-party members, and music selections, must be chosen. I favor Camille Saint-Saens' Third Symphony--the triumphant-sounding part used in "BABE"--as the bridal entrance music...NOT the overused "Here Comes The Bride."

    3) Both lovers must compose their vows, and the parson who is to perform the ceremony must find suitable Scriptures OTHER THAN First Corinthians 13, which Janalee and I used at our wedding.
    My Dad seems to have been granted more time. As for yours: I choose to hope that, even if undetectable by you, the Holy Spirit was able to speak to his secret heart before he passed, and get a response.
    When you see this, please pray for my Dad: still unconverted, now hospitalized with undetermined problems, and rapidly running out of time.
    There's a lot of other action on Monologues now, too! Lady-of-Narnia even transferred some of her Alice-in-Wonderland activity there!
    Ah, you anticipated me. I was going to ask you to post something silly in Monologues, to offset the unusually serious material just posted.
    You provided me, in Duffers, another "little goodbye." Janalee loved sweet potatoes. Meanwhile, Uniquemonke has now been sonnetized.
    I am laughing and laughing and laughing MORE at you post on the Monologues thread. Thank you, and please keep those posts coming. I'm enjoying them posts so much!!
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