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  • Do you have writings published elsewhere on this forum? I think I would dearly love to read more of your work.
    Tonight I learned a new skill from another TDL member: how to upload photos! I thought I'd let you know I posted on the "Share a Pic of Your Pet" thread. Enjoy! ;-)
    Thank you for your comments. I can't believe I wrote my first official poem and didn't get shot down by the critics! I appreciate your feedback and encouragement.

    Copperfox and I are having a lot of laughs on the "Roleplays by Monologue" thread. Care to join us and post a thought or two?
    I will attempt that. I am always verbose so this will be a good challenge for me. Thank you for the encouragement.
    Dear Ms Primsong, You have inspired me to write my first ever form-respecting poem, a sestina. Thank you!
    Good morning Primrose! Did you write "The Red Book: A Sestina"? It is lovely. And I think I have the form figured out!
    Since I see you're viewing it, please POST something! You could even say that the amoeba swallows up the stupid textbooks!
    Thanks for that PM you just sent. Your points were well made, and encouraging. I see that you see that what I wish for is not wrong in itself; just have to see what God considers BEST.
    The fact that you're a mother is usable for poetry; and Starflower being your daughter would enable me to salute TWO forum members at once.

    I don't mind telling you that the main reason I think I might "sonnetize" you is because of the way you've supported my "Monologues" thread. But if you're a friend of Mrs. Gil-Galad Took (whom I am dead serious about wanting to get to know better), that's another point in your favor.
    Primsong! If I were to write a sonnet about YOU, tell me something that you would like it to mention about you!
    Vanessa seems to know you so i have come to invade your profile and give you hobbitlike greetings and cake.
    Primsong: I can't remember, have you looked at my "Tale of Sophia Renee"? I ask this because it is poetry, and you have expressed a love of poetry.
    The profile is an inchworm on a cone-flower - it looked so much like a smile I added eyes. Hee!
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