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  • Haha, it's even worse when you see an awesome video game and it's only released it one country :C
    It can be awful. But sometimes it's fun. It depends. A year or two ago, I decided to switch around the cereal, taking the bags and putting them in different boxes. I thought it was a fantastic idea, since it didn't harm anyone, and would be funny. Sadly (or would that be hilariously? I suppose it depends on your point of view), it didn't go over too well - my little brother got so angry when he got the wrong cereal that smoke just about came out of his ears, and when my baby sister got Honey&Rice Puffins instead of Cheerios, she started to cry. xP

    So April Fools isn't THAT great, I suppose, but it's kind of fun anyway.

    Yes, that is so cute! And I love it when they're little kids, and their parents dress them in sort-of matching clothes where they're not identical, but one kid has a blue dress with white flowers and the other has a white dress with blue flowers. That sort of thing. It's so cute! :D
    April Fools can be so much fun... :D

    That's so funny that she never guessed they were twins! :D

    Some twins that I know were volunteering at the library together, and suddenly, one of the librarians said, "You look so alike that you could be twins!" and they were like, "Um... We are..." :p
    lol I always hate waiting for movies XD Like there is also a new Naruto movie that looks pretty narly coming soon :p
    Yeah, I always thought that was pretty weird. I think maybe it's because people tend to lump twins together instead of thinking of them as individuals, maybe? But then there are also twins that love being twins, and try to trick people by pretending to be the other. :p

    My adult cousins are twins, but they look completely different. It was only about a month ago that, for the very first time in their lives, someone asked if they were twins. :p
    The safest site that I have found is mangareader.
    There are two versions of FMA...which is really I always forget which episode I am on :C But I'm pretty sure I've watched the whole series I just don't know which one...Meh
    I read manga on my PSP XD But i don't read manga that have weird titles because you never know what they'll end up being
    I don't watch Bleach anymore...the animation has gotten weird and the plot is same with One Piece XD One Piece is jumping all over the place and I got tired of watching a show without much of a plot *shrug*

    What's my fave anime/manga?! Oh goodness...That is a tough question haha XD
    Ummm....So far Baccano is my fave anime aaaaannndddd....I would have to say that D. Gray Man is my fave manga :3 But I really like Usagi Drop (super super super cute anime) as well as Chrono Crusade and some others...aaaahhh I don't know I've watched so many that i forgot what they were about XD Tegami Bachi is pretty good :)
    What about you?
    That ruins it... :p When I was eight, I met a girl born just a few days before me, and on the same year. I haven't seen her since 2007ish. Oddly enough, I dreamed about her last night. o_O
    Hmm, I'd never heard that. I've met three or four people who share my birthday, September 30th, at least, off the top of my head. However, I've never met anyone my age born on that date. So, in the most technical, literal sense, I haven't met anyone with my same birthday. :p
    lol yeah it kinda is since you can just read the manga online XD But I like to take my manga in the car and such :3
    I dislike fillers too -__- I stopped watching Naruto because it just got stupid XD I was like...this is going NOWHERE D:
    Heehee, they have the big like 4 in one DN books at Waldons (who are closing..sadness) and I was really tempted but I don't think my parents would like those hanging around the house XD Although I really don't agree with the whole theme of shinigami and all I really like the plot because it's so....epic :D
    They have a DN book (actual book not just pictures but words lol) called L Save the World and I really wanted to buy it but the last time I was there they didn't have iiittt!!!! NUUU!!!!
    Is he actually part of the DN series or is he somebody that somebody made up? XD I guess I'll have to research him
    Do you know this Before Birthday person? He's like an evil version of L or something and I just don't get it...
    Or a bad one, depending on how you look at it. :p

    Pretty well! My family is celebrating my little brother's birthday tonight. He's so excited that I'm concerned for his mental health. xP
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