Red Roses
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  • Oh, okay. :p I understand. When some kids get depressed like in the aforementioned scenario, you feel bad for them. But yeah, if they're just being whiny and resentful, then they're just being ridiculous. :rolleyes:
    Awww, that's sad!

    Ooh, nice! :D Unfortunately, the game doesn't work well with my siblings, because they always interrupt the game to argue about the proper way to point someone out if they lose, or to discuss whether or not coughs get you out. :rolleyes:
    I have a lot of stuffed animals too. I should probably give away some of them, but I'm sentimentally attached to every one in some way or another. :p And of course, new stuffed animals occasionally find a way into my collection, like Dug. ;)

    Yeah, he is. :p "Hey, I have an idea. Let's see who can be quiet the longest."

    "COOL!!! My mom LOVES that game!" :D
    Cool! I have a Dug stuffed animal. ^.^ I took him to camp and a bunch of my friends fell in love with him. xD

    The character's name is Mr. Fredrickson. :p

    Russel is so adorable... There's a little kid at my church who reminds me of Russel. :D
    Hee hee. :p

    Cool! It's one of my favorite movies too! Dug is my favorite character. :D I'm glad you liked the song, even though it got stuck in your head. xD
    My mom is really good at it. Our church has an AWANA program. The children learn Bible verses, do relay-race kind of games and learn a Bible lesson. By reciting their memory verses, they earn "AWANA bucks" to spend at the "store", held four times yearly. My mom is in charge of store, and buys all the things to sell. It's a really big event. A lot better than it was back when I was in AWANA before she was in charge. :rolleyes: She has everything well-organized with the different prices things sell for, and is very good at making everything run smoothly. It's hilarious to watch adults gape over it like, "Our old church had AWANA store, and it was just a heap of toys with price tags stuck on them! This is great! You have it organized by price, and even have sales prices for things that are unpopular!" :p

    Have you seen this youtube video? It's an Up remix thingy, and I think it's hilarious...
    Hee hee... Now I feel better about myself. :rolleyes: :p

    Most of the males in my family and extended family are good at fixing things. And the girls who aren't good at fixing things usually are good at organizing. Thankfully, I at least inherited the latter.
    My dad is really great with tools and fixing things. In fact, he's downstairs fixing the washing machine as I type. xD But I am absolutely awful with those kinds of things. Even dealing with screws to change batteries in something is difficult! :p
    Actually Today's My birthday and your the first here (that doesn't talk to me outside of TDL) to say so! happy UnBirthday to you!
    I hope that the tutoring goes well, and that you'll get to spend time with your friends soon.

    My parents bought me a new desk chair today, and I assembled it ALL BY MYSELF! :D I'm so proud of my accomplishment that it's pathetic. xD
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