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  • Hi Short Angel I read your post in return/gone away thread. Sorry your pc still is giving you problems :( I miss you
    Sorry about your PC. I've been having a good week though there's always so much to do. We got to have some old friends for dinner that we haven't seen for over 15 years. It was fun because they have been all over the world, and are such great story tellers... But tomorrow I have data to organize and reports to write. Sigh!
    By "sonnetized," I am making a joke from the word "sanitized;" I just mean that I wrote a sonnet about her.
    Thank you for asking. At a medical appointment today, my blood pressure reading was good: 134/82, better than anytime recently.
    This week, one of my concerns is regaining my ability to sleep: something that's been difficult for me ever since my Janalee was invited up to Aslan's Country.

    If it isn't too time-consuming for you, please consider reading my "Alipang Havens" story in Writing Club.
    Thank you, little angel! I have the satisfaction of being able to report that a prayer of mine was answered: a friend got OUT of serious trouble.
    no no hehe *phew*
    but its all over the news!
    and the death toll is so high!
    Predicted to rise :(

    you too! have a good week :)
    thank you sortangel!
    its flooding on one side and burning on the other!
    it's really scary~ :(

    thanks again! :D
    I saw on the gone away/come back thread that you'll be away for Valentine's Day. Have a great break and some meaningful time to reflect and get refreshed.
    Blessings, Linda aka Benisse
    a prayer for the dog
    Oh Lord, you are the great creator. Please have mercy on the stray dog Shortangel's family befriended. Please give him favor in the eyes of the people who come to the animal shelter and give him a home that will love and care for him. You have said that a sparrow cannot fall from its nest without your knowing and caring. So please watch over this poor dog who has had such a hard life. In Jesus' name, amen
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