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  • Hallo shortangel! Happy Monday. So far so good this week! As far as crafting, I've done paper embossing, cross-stitching, pottery, painting, and music music music! What's on your ag enda this week that's fun and life-giving?
    Hi shortangel,
    in the thread 'Your Avatar/Sig' in "Brush of Unicorn, Hide of Bull" I posted an avatar drawing I did for you inspired by your TDL name, message #1603. I would have sent it to you PM, but I don't know how.
    Blessings, Linda
    Hi Shortangel, How was your Sunday?
    Sunday is my family's favorite day. After church was a luncheon and annual business meeting, and my mom I guess really feels at home there now because she leaned over and asked me how I liked "her" church, and she even voted for the slates of officers even though she's not a member yet. It was cool.

    My son had an ultimate frisbee game in the afternoon and I got some time to myself which was soooo nice. Then after dinner I took my daughter and our dogs to the park.
    take care, Linda
    Oh how wonderful, shortangel! I'm so glad you're doing better. I used to sew, and still have a sweing machine, but rarely sew. I do enjoy crafting and being creative, mostly singing * sings lalalalalal* Praise God!
    Hi! If I go purely by emotions/feelings, I've had a crummy week. If I add in a bit of objective reason, then I am blessed in my struggles!
    St. John of the Cross knew what you are experiencing as the "dark night of the soul". I encourage you to continue to "act as if" -- act as if you know God is right there, holding you under the protective shadow of his wings, even thought you may not feel that way. Pray and praise, persevere in making a sacrifice of praise. GOd will honor your obedience. HAng in there. I am praying for you!
    Hi shortangel,
    The retreat was refreshing, focusing on how God has created us each unique to worship Him and draw close to Him. The speaker went into 9 different spiritual personality types reflecting how we most easily sense His presence/approach God in worship, and the strengths and needs of each temperament. Then we all had the opportunity to take time to just bask in His love, reflecting on His word, connecting to and listening to Him. It was wonderful. I was also so glad my mom could go with me. I'm not sure how much she got out of it, but she seemed to enjoy herself and participated in the prayer times and a few of the small group discussions.
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