Sir Godfrey
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  • well, i was going to ask you about the RPG but i saw that you decided not to continue.....would you mind if i talked to you via PM?
    Hello Sire. I would like to welcome thee back.
    I have request to make of thee. I wouldst wish to become thy squire, thou art a most noble knight and it would be my honor to be thy squire. At the age of 18 I wouldst be old enough to be knighted if thee deem me fit.
    And now I suppose (unless you have any questions) we shall commence speaking other places on the board. (Pix, social groups etc.) And please, if you have something that you wish me to pray about...You can post it on my profile any time. :)
    I shall miss speaking to thee here...but I do hope that it does not have to mean that we can't talk still a good deal!
    I understand this, but my father asked that others would be able to join IN the conversation.
    I have come to learn that as an adult in my father's home I need not understand or even agree with his rules, I must simply obey them until I am under another man's roof.
    And my father takes his role so seriously, that he is extra cautious about everything.
    Do I make sense? And I hope, oh, I hope that I do not offend at all.
    (This is longer than it will allow so read this top to bottom. :) I had to do it in a few posts. )
    ...And now in regards to what my father said. :)
    Well...first, it did take a good deal of...shall we say, courage? To go to him. For one...I hardly knew what to say. You and I have not "said" that we are anything more than dear friends...forgive me, I am trying to understand.
    But...I thought it best to talk to my father, especially since you asked me to. So...I told him that you and I really enjoy talking to each other and that we both like each other very much (if I may presume so) and asked him what level of communication he was comfortable with between us.
    He said this.
    We may communicate openly (no pming etc, which you already knew) but he would that we did not engage in conversations that no one else can join in. Not that other must be in them, but in a way that others that making sense?
    He also asked that we do not "discuss" on your blog. I still read the posts (and adore them!) though.
    So, I have prayed about it and thought (all the time) about it and I think that what my father would wish is that we do not write on each other's profiles since no one else can directly engage in our conversations.
    I am, by nooooo means, saying that we can't talk
    ...I don't know what I would do if we couldn't talk anymore. The last three weeks have been some of the hardest I have had because of being separated.
    But, I believe you desire to follow the fifth commandment it so important to me. And I have been so thankful that you have been understanding. It really means more to me than I know how to say. I am sure my father very, very much appreciates it also!
    Are you pleased with all of this? Is this enough communication for the time being? Please, if you have any questions ask them. We may discuss this point for a short time then we must do as my father said. :)
    And we may discuss things through The Reading Tower and pictures also. :) I can hardly wait to see the pix you too in the Holy Land.
    Again...please ask any questions or say anything to me that you feel you need to. I want to hear it. :) I shall wait for thy response.
    Hello Jeff. :)
    I am sooo sorry that I did not come on last night. I wanted to terribly, but the computer was being used and so I was unable to. My thoughts were here though...they often are.

    Of course I care for your well being. :) Very much.

    I am glad you are glad to be home...I was afraid it would seem very dull to you after being in such a place as the Holy Land.

    And as always...I love praying for thee...and do it all the time. Some of my very first waking thoughts in the morning are a prayer for thee. :)

    I am putting the graphics in one of my albums for you. I will give you a link. :)
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