Sir Godfrey
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  • Farewell good Knight! For I too am leaving, possibly not to return, then again I might. It's been good getting to know you! I bid thee a good farewell. May the lord care for thee and keep thee. And may he shower blessings upon thee.
    I thank thee with all my heart, Jeff! I can't tell you the joy I felt when I read thy words. They brought me to happy tears. It shows that you are truly noble and caring.
    Please know, tis not because I do not enjoy speaking with thee...I do so much and I will very very much miss our talks.
    I shall pray for thee every day!!! i truly shall.
    May Christ bless thee always, kind knight. I shall be reading thy blog.
    Shall we still read the Tennyson book?
    Farewell for a time...tis hard to say it... ;) But I pray that we shall both be led by the spirit and that He will keep thee in His loving hands.
    Christ be with you, Jeff! Thank thee for everything. :)
    And I shal read and relish Jane Eyre.
    hey Jeff! I was wondering if I could join the reading tower group? i got all excited when i saw it!:) thanks.
    Praise be to God!!! I am so happy for thee. :)
    I don't know if you saw it, but I am going to make an effort not to be on here too much...trying to make sure I am not chatting...I enjoy talking so much that I slipped back. But! I look forward to reading the book together and talking about it...and please,please know that I am praying for you every single day and thinking of you...and I will be reading your blog. :) I am not at all leaving DL...just want to make sure I am honoring my dad. :) I enjoy talking to you so much...thank you so very much for all of the encouragement you have given me! I look forward to our book! :D
    Jeff...just wanted to let you know that I may not be on frequently for a while, but I shall keep thee in my prayers!!! :) And I shall still let thee know when I get the Tennyson book so that we may begin reading. :)
    Ah, Jeff! I can not say what thy words hath done to lift my spirits! Thank thee so much...thou art truly a great friend. :)
    Jane Eyre tis quite good thus far! :D

    I fear I was being selfish earlier by burdening forgive me please. I never wish to do so.
    I am feeling better now...the problem is still here...but I am resolved to not let the evil one drag me down with his devices...I must fight and let the light be stronger than the darkness.
    I pray to have some good conversation tonight. :)
    Must go for now...will try to be back on tonight. Please pray for me...I need it right now. My day has just gotten hard and I just want to break down and cry. Has nothing to do with those in my household...just to clear them...
    I am sorry to burden you.
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