Sir Godfrey
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  • Indeed...many people with sick and sad minds take such pleasure in the most disgusting blood and guts.
    Gladiator is a wonderful example of how it shoud be..."there is a time for peace and a time for war."
    I need somone to hold on to (none of my family really like me cuddling and squeezing their arms when I am in suspense lol!)...but I am okay with most of them too. :)
    Gore does not bother me as much.
    I don't like how the "angels" were very much like demons are described...they were not beings of light. The Bible says that the Devil comes as a bringer of light...but it never says that Angels come as a messanger of bringer of dark.
    And the EE (Everyone Else) thing was creepy!!!! I was terrified after watching it...the little girl scratching...and I just can't take the whispers...ugh...too demonic for me!
    Well, I try to be very careful with the physical aspect...I have found that to be something that bothers me...perhaps it seems weak, but I just want to make sure that I don't let my mind and heart go where they should not.
    Thank thee...yes, I expected it to be different. I have seen several movies, and I know that it was written by the Bronte's is much older. :)
    Glad you like it...the book is still whirling around in my head! I will be able to buy a different book now since I need not purchase Jane Eyre! What would you suggest?
    Well...I hope it only takes me two weeks...I read every spare minute I get just about...except when I am enjoying conversing here. :) I must not seclude myself completely!
    Ah, good. :) I just wanted to make sure. :) I have Jane Eyre sitting next to me! Twill take me a couple weeks to read I fear, I do not have as much time for reading as I would like...did you see my new siggy? Tis not very good, but was the best I could find. :) will never guess what happened! My sister just got back from a friend's place for a week...and she brought home Jane Eyre!!! And she is giving it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I jumped up and down and clapped and laughed...I can start it tonight!!!!! :D
    I thank are too kind to say such things of me. :)

    And I am so sorry that you are through with the class...I know how you enjoyed it!
    I hath read thy review...splendid...and now I am having a hard time sitting here wishing I was at B&N...I must wait until Thurs! How much did thy copy cost, if you do not mind me asking. :)
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