Sir Godfrey
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  • Her being sick? Or the wedding?
    To be 100% honest...I knew the whole time the she was dying...that is why I cried so much because I understood the whole time.
    The first time I cried was when Landon told her that she was beautiful as the Angel on stage...
    Jeff...I just finished A Walk to Remember within the last three minutes...I will just say that my eyes are still tear stained.
    Thank you for telling me about was the most beautiful novel I have read. I am going to buy it and read it over and over!
    I just couldn't put it down...I walked around the house kinda cleaning, lost in the beauty of the story before me. It was moving and powerful.
    Wow, I just can't believe how amazing it was!
    Forgive me I did not see this until this morning!
    I pray you had a good night last night...I was awake reading!!! I was unable to finish the book, but read a great deal of it and should be able to finish it with little effort today and tonight. :)
    I just finished The Women (1939) yesterday! Great film, with witty banter. It's a women's picture (as they use to call them), for sure but It's a hoot.
    I suppose it could be...makes it easier if the two live close to eachother. But, in this day tis not the case a good amount of the time.
    Tis the same with me. If I have wronged, correct me.For I am Human. My misunderstanding with the verse, was that (during a time I had been hurt by a few untrue friends), It was better to suffer by them then be stuck with those that would be worse. However, It actually meant to be read:
    The truth is better heard from friends, than flattery from one's enemy.
    Opps! I hath slipped out of my Medieval speak!
    There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing-Proverbs 12:18.
    Or to quote something that took me the longest to understand:
    Faithful [are] the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy [are] deceitful.-Proverbs 27:6
    It's not the exactly what thou meant but relates.
    Indeed! And! He must win daddy's heart first! ;) Or at least he must win it before he can talk to me about winning it. :)
    indeed...and my father and I are closer than any father and daughter I know. I trust him with all my heart. He is the noblest, most loving man I know!!! I am honored be his, knowing that one day he will give me away only to a man that he knows will care for me as he has! I am too blessed...
    Yes...tis hard to express our love for mother sometimes!!!
    I intend to record a personal album with some of her favorite songs and give it to her...she is such an inspiration to me!
    How blessed we both are to have the mothers we do!
    Yes, we have candles burning every now and then, but my precious mother likes to be sooo careful. :) She is such a wonderful woman...I love her with all of me! :)
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