Sir Godfrey
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  • Sir Godfrey, you hath such a way with words! How doth thee find the inner wishes I can't properly express myself? Tis a great gift to be sure.
    Fear not, I'm certain you are to do well on your finals! If it tis any help I will pray to the Lord to help you. Tis true also what thou hast said, one must check scriptures in order to avoid being deceived. My only worry tis that no one will help them see their error and help them meet our blessed Savior.
    Ah...candle light. :) I should live by it, but alas, my mother fears the children around fire! I should like to go outside and read my the light of the moon and starts...we have such beautiful nights here!
    I would not put it down either, but I must keep my duties to home and family first...but! As for the time when I am in my room at night...I shall shut my door, lay down on my floor and drown myself in the words!!! :)
    I am, I am! Landon has just arrived at Jamie's house and is speaking to her father...I did not read as much as I wanted to yet, but now that I am getting a feel for how it good it is, I won't be able to keep my hands off of it! :) It has boosted my mood and calmed me a good deal.
    Good the Graduation went well, as well as my Sister's Birthday today.
    I can't wait to get back to work at the paper tomorrow (I've had the last 2 weeks off due to the large amount so school work I had). Other than my prayer requests I'm fine. I do feel awfully bad for those poor individuals mislead about yesterday's Resurrection. They sold their homes, belongings, and quit their jobs and now must be spiritually broken. It causes me to sadden a bit... OH! What a bleeding heart I am. One moment happy the next weepy and then happy again! Hmph! :rolleyes:
    Not Broadway! ( though I wish;)) It is a small theater near where i live... The play is a classic!
    i'm doing most well:) I am very excited about a play i will be auditioning for this Christmas!
    Forgive me if I do not reply very fast, I am tending to the house (Oh, I truly love doing it!) and checking in here when I can. :)
    I thank thee soooo much! So very much. Ye are a good friend. :)
    I am feeling better...but I hath been yearning for fellowship of late. We have some dear friends moving down here...but that is not for a while, and they have no older girls...I enjoy their sons, wonderful young men...but I have yet to meet a true kindred spirit here. And I have lived here ten years.
    You could send them to me lol.
    I am having a challenging day...twould mean so much to me if you would pray for me.
    I am trying to keep my emotions under control, but I am tempted today.
    I feel like I need a friend to just talk to.(my sister is away right now) and I am having such a hard time right now and just need to talk to somoeone. I pray this feeling goes away. Why must the evil one be present so often?
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