Sir Godfrey
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  • YAY!!!! you're back!!!!! when you have a minute there is something i need to talk to you about:)
    Reading thy words this moring hath cheered me for the day. :)
    We must talk in regards to a conversation I had with my father, but that shall come in due time. :) However, I wish to say it soon.
    Ah, tis so good to hear from thee...truly. :)
    To be honest...I worried about thee a great deal yesterday as you traveled home. I rejoice to hear from thee. I pray that we will be able to talk about thy trip etc. very soon!
    thinking of and praying for thee constantly! :)
    Oh...and I have a couple "graphics" (if they can be called that) that I made for thee in our separation that I shall try to show thee tonight.
    Forgive me again ;) for posting so much...tis nearly 10 PM here...I am looking for thee to come on so that we may talk about some things...but I fear I may miss thee tonight. But I hope with all my heart that it will not be long before we speak!!! Praying for and thinking of thee oft (even as I read Jane Eyre :) )
    Ps. I have updated the Reading Tower hast with new discussions for us. :)
    Tis the 16th! Only 6:35 in Cali...but I just wanted to be the first to welcome thee back to TDL. :D
    And today is my dear father's I may not be able to come on tonight...but know that I shall not be able to keep my mind away.
    I can hardly wait to hear of your trip and everything else. :D
    Welcome back, Jeff. :)
    Oh, and I saw thy latest blog post to me. :) I thank thee...I did not want thee spending thy money. ;) But ye art truly kind...I suppose we shall discuss it on thy return. :) (Tomorrow!!!!!! Hurrah!)
    Hello Jeff! :)
    I hath returned to TDL...
    I am praying for thee on thy travels :)

    I hath taken your advice and spoken to my father about us and our level of communication. When thou dost return, would you be so good as to let me know so that I may tell you what he said? :)
    I am leaving now...two weeks. :)
    My Christ keep thee always...don't forget me. ;)
    Praying for you every day...I truly shall.
    Farewell, Sir Jeff.
    P.S. I go now to watch Tangled. :)
    I shall talk to thee soon...may Christ keep thee in His loving hands!!!
    I cannot say how much I love those words. :)
    Thank thee...I shall be thinking of and praying for thee...two weeks will be very long! ;)
    Christ be with thee Jeff!
    I appreciate it very much...and feel the same. I pray that we will connect when we return. :) Praying for thee kind knight! I shall miss the also.
    I doth wish to make a request of thee. When we both do return I would wish that we create a thread together, it would give me great pleasure to RP with thee.
    As it has been an honor for me as well. And I return the blessing.
    May God be with thee, may he watch over thee, may he make his face shine upon thee, and may he give ye peace and shower favor upon thee all the days of your life. Amen. :)
    Farewell good sire!
    I thank thee good Knight, for thy kind advice. I shalt proceed to do so! I dost not think that I couldst leave altogether this place of love. I shalt hail thee again after some weeks knight! It's been good getting to know thee. :)
    May I ask...what is our relationship? This is what I have been wondering. I shall be back tonight to see thy answer. :)
    Hello, Jeff.
    Have I done anything to upset thee? If I have, please tell me what it is so that I may make it right.
    If I am just being paranoid then tell me that too. ;)
    I just do not want to have any unsettled quarel. :)
    Praying for you always. Always.
    I have been listening to Strip Me and You And Me ...two of the songs you showed me. Would you believe that I am crying at the thought of being away from TDL for a while?
    I'm hesitant to, but you are my friend. I can't stay here because my feelings run away without me. I can't control them, they need to be. And I need to get in touch with the outer world. If you really want specifics ask Anna.
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