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  • I have a date tomorrow and I never had a date for awhile now . He's super cute and funny just pray that it well go well.
    Yep I'm going to be watching dogs the rest of my life I start whenever they put my stuff on the site. And I'll be paid a lot I'm so glad . What have you been up to?
    I finely got an awesome job I've been trying to get one since March but no, one wanted to try to hire me because I got walking sticks to help me walk and now god answered my prayers . I'm going to be watching dogs the rest of my life there is a company called sleepover rover and they really need more people to work for them so I put my Application in. I miss you sis * hugs*
    I am soliciting favorite quotes for a 2015 Narnian Quote Calendar collaboration project. If you have a chance, please post some of your favorite quotes from any of the Chronicles of Narnia to that thread. Thanks!
    okay, thanks for asking! monday sept 8 i go back to the doc and expect to be rid of the sling!

    appreciate your thoughtfulness and prayers so much!

    Well, we did indeed pray for you. Meanwhile, there was a good development with my arthritis. On the recommendation of two friends at the prayer breakfast, I tried putting on high-heeled boots as a way of changing the load burden on my hip. This reduced the pain IMMEDIATELY!
    As I write this, I'm preparing to go to a men's prayer breakfast. We'll pray for you there.
    thank you for your prayers.

    You are wise to place your future in God's hands and let him worry about it--I will be praying for you of course and the changes that are happening and will happen in your life.

    Love and blessings to you!
    Thank you so very much, my darling. It is working — I had therapy again today, and the therapist said my range of motion is improving. It is slow going, and not all that comfortable, but it is healing.

    I appreciate your prayers very much. How are you doing? How can I pray for you? I hope all is well. Love and blessings!
    Each year, when things in gardens have grown, members of Carol's and my church bring produce to share with others who don't have gardens. Today, from MY garden, I brought not only fresh tomatoes, but JALAPENO PEPPERS, to give away!I hate jalapenos myself; I grew them for Carol, but my plants have made more peppers than she has any use for.
    Thanks for the good word on my sonnet, Sarah. That sonnet was REALLY about -- oops, um, never mind.

    In honesty, it was NOT about you, so don't worry. :)
    Tonight I may manage to write some more of my _second_ Grey Eagle novel. (Too adult for the Dancing Lawn.)
    And hello to you, young sweetie! I believe you know that my kidneys are okay, but my left hip has arthritis. Please pray for THAT not to get worse. I'm only 62; I don't want to be forced to get a hip replacement that I can't afford! Thank you.
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