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  • Wow! That's a LOT of running! Good for you! I really can't imagine running for that long a period of time. What was the distance?
    Oh, yes. I think I saw photos on facebook. How long was the race? Was it the one you were practicing for with your bf?
    Everytime I see a message from you I smile with happiness. *hugsess* How has life been treating you?
    Ah... I forgot that I changed my profile privacy... Sorry lol

    Is that better? Now you should be able to talk to me! :D
    Hello! Nice to see another member frequenting the forums. :) I am staining wood furniture today... didn't quite get the shade I was expecting, however. I will have to try again later... How are you doing today?
    We remember everyone, and we chose to remember all their good things and forget the wrongs and mistakes. Like I said, I don't remember what happened between us, all I know is that you've been a member here and I'm glad to see you from time to time and I hope you come back more often.
    Of course you belong! You may not know it but we're glad to see you come on from time to time. Just stay and post whenever you can. You don't have to even be very active. You're welcome all the time.
    Did not mean any offense. It was in jest and John would have understood the joke. But since it was an inside joke, I have removed the picture per your report/request. Blessings.
    Thank you so much! I am not sure what it means, but when I discover my secret powers, I am sure I will use them for good ... :)

    Love and blessings!
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