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  • Ooooh I turned 23 recently as well! How exciting :D.

    Well good luck with everything for you. It's all very exciting. I really do hope everything is going well. It has been lovely to hear from you again :).
    Thank you. Erm anything at the moment. I just need the money.

    Aww that sounds amazing and so does he. Fingers crossed for you two :).
    I have very recently met someone special. It's very new and interesting.

    You are always in my prayers. I hope your health issues clear up soon. Ooooh well happy birthday for next week then :). How old will you be may I ask?
    That's good to hear :). I am glad you are well.
    Erm I have been and finished university and have a degree. Erm I am job hunting at the moment. I am not sure what else is interesting enough really.
    What about you? What has happened to you?
    Because you are courting and having a wholesome Christian relationship rather than going off the deep end with your boyfriend. Most young women start dating and do the whole going steady and breaking up thing, and that's a good way to get your heart broken. I think courting is a much better idea. Proverbs 4:23 says "Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life." Good advice! XO
    I don't get on here much anymore, though. I'm good. Jeff's brother's wife had her baby, a boy, last Saturday and my brother's wife had a girl on Monday! :) So we have a new niece AND nephew. Our best friends are expecting a baby within a month!
    It seems impossible you are 23!!! Sounds like you are having a nice life, and I am happy for it. My life goes on much as it always has ... It is more and more about Jesus than anything else, which makes for a joyful way to live ... otherwise not much new. My husband retired from his job one year ago June, and so we have been home much more than ever in our 15 years together. It has been wonderful! We traveled so much for his work, it is a real pleasure to be home week after week. Maybe we will want to take a vacation soon ... for now we are delighted to be stationary. Take care, darling! Stop in again soon.
    Of course I do!! Why'd you leave Facebook? I was sad when I went to contact you one day and you weren't there.
    Hey sweetheart! Nice to see you here again today! Yes, I am well. You say you've been a bit -- a bit what? Stay around a while ... still a lot of cool folks and interesting discussions here. Love ya!
    Thank you. A specific thing I can use prayer for is to succeed with some repairs to my property.
    Nothing wrong with being in retail. Carol and I sometimes joke that being retired IS our job now.
    Hey I am here most days so feel free to drop in and chat! Also, are we connected on Facebook? You can friend me (or email me)at

    Love and blessings to you!
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