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  • Well, I've gotten in some practice at making vegetarian meals, since too much protein is an important issue with kidney problems. Only about fourteen hours now before I find out more about my situation.
    May everything go well with that sister! It is right to remind me that there are people much worse off than I am.
    Based on blood tests from last month, my doctor said my kidneys were still working correctly, only "strained"-- whatever that means. I can't believe that kidneys could go from "almost perfectly normal" to "about to fail and kill you" in just five weeks; therefore, I don't see any way that the WORST can be true. But I do suppose that lifestyle change will be called for.
    Thanks. I appreciate the prayers, and already feel better than I did yesterday, even though the swelling is up and I look like a chipmunk! xD
    Thank you for those excellent gugs!

    I recommend that you and your boyfriend read C.S. Lewis' book "The Four Loves." I have in the past given it as a wedding gift to couples,
    By the way, I have seen your replies to the comments I wrote on your "boyfriend" photos. May this all turn out for the best.
    Carol is doing okay. If I didn't say before, she would not have been able to come along anyway, because she has to stay in Colorado all summer for a fitness program she joined. So I took care of things which DIDN'T mean much to Carol.

    When I visited Mary's grave, I talked to her about the various disappointments in life which have caused me to feel as if I've accomplished nothing in this world. But then God sent me a sign of encouragement: a single floating seed that flew over Mary's grave, then rose straight up into the sky, out of sight. I took that to mean that God was telling me I was leaving a mark after all.
    My recent visit to Illinois and other states was a blessing. It included visiting the graves of both my Mary and my Janalee.
    Oh yes. There's quite a bit of catching up on my side. I've just graduated. I'm looking for a job. Other interesting things going on. I'll catch you up sometime.
    Ick. yeah, I would have avoided live wires as well. Did you know the obstacles in advance? Or were they a surprise?
    Oh wow. I think I ran 3 miles a couple times for a jogging class I had to take. It was not fun... Though obstacles, that sounds interesting. What were your favorite and least favorite obstacles?
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