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  • ^_^ I got to the part after Cooper kissed Amelia and then ran away. hehehehehhe
    Yes! Well, I haven't been actively writing latley....things are getting crazy *sigh* But I'm hoping to get one of my books published. *crosses fingers*
    Things have been alright, kinda crazy though. My brother got expelled from school---actually day care's a more appropriate term. >.> Sad, isn't it? :p But other than that same ol' same ol'.
    How about you? How's life treating you?
    Same. I'd like to be on more but time doesn't really allow for it.

    Blah - I keep missing keys. I cut my finger and keep jamming it on the keys for that finger. What are you up to?
    I am so sorry - I was just going through texts and realized I fell asleep on you the other night. I am sorry, I just blanked the next morning. How are you?
    Hey Ashlee. It's been a while since we talked.:D How are things?
    I noticed that you wrote more of your story!! *is still loving it* ;) But you need to write faaaasssttteeeer!!!!:p hehe But you know, no rush. XD
    :) As long as you have been ok. Thats fair enugh. I am amazing! :D Doing much, much better. Thanks to your help :D
    Whatchya been doing?
    Haya, how are you doing at the moment? I haven't had a proper conversation with you in a while and I miss it! :)
    I have a new sonnet up, inspired by the declared spiritual need of one of our members.
    Ashikins (haha sorry about nickname, I couldn't resist)!! I got on here specifically to wish you a Happy Birthday!! I hope your day was super amazing and fun :D
    Happy Birthday.:)
    I love your Alice & Jasper siggy.:cool:
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