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  1. jasmine tarkheena

    lotr parodies

    I've actually seen that. And Frodo Baggins is Toto Baggypants, Legolas is Leg-o-Lamb, Gimli is Grumpy, Gandalf is Randalf, Sauramean is Scaryman, and the orcs are sporks.
  2. jasmine tarkheena

    The Adventures of Tirian and His Merry Narnians

    [The first chapter. We shall see what becomes of Narnia and Archenland under Calormen rule] Chapter One **** Tirian, Eustace, Poggin, Puzzle, and Farsight were out in the Western Wild, where they have set up a base camp. It was a good distance away from Calormene spies yet close enough to keep...
  3. jasmine tarkheena

    The Adventures of Tirian and His Merry Narnians

    A base camp? A base camp for Tirian, Eustace, Jill, Poggin, and Jewel in one section. Then the temples and palaces of Calormen, perhaps being built in Cair Paravel, Chippingford, Beaversdam.
  4. jasmine tarkheena

    The Adventures of Tirian and His Merry Narnians

    It will sure get interesting. Some may even wonder how Narnian outlaws will survive during Calormene rule.
  5. jasmine tarkheena

    The Adventures of Tirian and His Merry Narnians

    Even though I've been working on my own version of The Last Battle The Last Battle (My Version), I sometimes wonder what it would be like if Narnia hadn't come to end in Narnia. Jill was hoping that the end of the world of Narnia was still a long way off. Well, what if it was? First off, it...
  6. jasmine tarkheena

    Favorite Bible Stories

    I don't believe that there's been a discussion about favorite Bible stories (especially for those of us that are Christian or even grew up going to church and Sunday School). So I thought I start a discussion about one. It's hard to pick just one favorite Bible story. Mine is almost always...
  7. jasmine tarkheena

    I wonder if there's any illustrations for Narnia fanfics out there (what a fan artist might...

    I wonder if there's any illustrations for Narnia fanfics out there (what a fan artist might imagine).
  8. jasmine tarkheena

    Middle Names for Narnia Characters

    I actually kind of thought of Digory Martin, Polly Ann, and Lucy Rose since CS Lewis was originally going to named the four children Ann, Martin, Rose and Peter. Instead, he ended up naming them Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy. Peter Andrew is for the two brothers that were followers of Jesus...
  9. jasmine tarkheena

    The Last Battle (My Version)

    I actually didn't think about that! We kind of know that Ginger has been known for for inventing the many lies about Aslan! Though it's usually best not to give anything away! Now some may even wonder what will become of Emeth's devotion to Tash. Will it come down to where he would have to...
  10. jasmine tarkheena

    Middle Names for Narnia Characters

    Like Star Trek, Captain James Kirke?
  11. jasmine tarkheena

    The Last Battle (My Version)

    Chapter Twelve (continued) *** Emeth and Chlamash had been night watch. They headed back to Lantern Waste, but noticed Marietta was missing. They went to Rishda's headquarters, thinking she may be there. While there, Rhonda had met up with them. "Rhonda, have you seen, Marietta?", asked...
  12. jasmine tarkheena

    The Last Battle (My Version)

    [A twelfth chapter] Chapter twelve *** Meanwhile, Rishda and two soldiers had gone back to his headquarter. They saw Marietta and the maid servants were there. Now Marietta looked as she was a tarkheena. "Fair Marietta", said Rishda, "You get more beautiful every day." "What am I doing...
  13. jasmine tarkheena

    Middle Names for Narnia Characters

    Digory Paul Polly Sarah Peter Louis Susan Phyllis Edmund Nathan Lucy Mary Jill Danielle
  14. jasmine tarkheena

    What if Narnia Books Were Each A Musical?

    If Narnia was a chorus or a choir- Soprano- Polly Mabel Susan Lucy Jill Ramandu's daughter Gwendolen Swanwhite Aravis Aravis's Stepmother maid Lasaraleen Ivy Margaret Betty Marjorie Some stars Some dryads Some naiads Alto- Mrs. Beaver Hwin Jadis Letty Aravis's stepmother Mrs. Macready Miss...
  15. jasmine tarkheena

    Was the Frolic inappropriate?

    Actually, the word "gay" has more than one meaning. When it says "gay frolic", what CS Lewis meant was "happy and merry." He didn't mean as we think of it today. People use words differently. For instance, in Christian teachings, "Hell" is referred to as a the abode of the unsaved. Though...
  16. jasmine tarkheena

    The Last Battle (My Version)

    Oh yeah. Now some may wonder what Rishda’s next plans are. And what will Emeth and his friend Chlamash do? Oh yeah. Filling in the gaps that are in the book.
  17. jasmine tarkheena

    The Last Battle (My Version)

    [Let's just say it's getting pretty heavy] Chapter Eleven *** Emeth and Chlamash went a little further away to be on night watch. Emeth smiled as he thought of Marietta. "So you have found a girl of your dreams", said Chlamash. "There is something special about her", said Emeth, "But I...
  18. jasmine tarkheena

    Middle Names for Narnia Characters

    I actually thought of middle names for each Narnia character. In the books, Eustace's full name is "Eustace Clarence Scrubb." He's the only character that we know of that has a middle names. For the others, some I could think of are- Digory Edward or Digory Martin Polly Ann Peter Andrew...
  19. jasmine tarkheena

    The Last Battle (My Version)

    [Another Chapter] Chapter Ten *** Cordell and Adela have thought of heading towards back to Archenland. However, now that the Calormenes have taken Narnia, they could take Archenland in the next week or so. "The Tisroc had always wanted the Northern countries for his own", said Bleakpond...
  20. jasmine tarkheena

    Noted. It's harder than I thought.

    Noted. It's harder than I thought.