448. When you're sitting in a computer science class where you aren't allowed to be doing non-class-related things, and you start wishing you could post.
447. When you don't go to movies, but do get on Narniafans, read all the movie spoilers, and thereby know the whole PC movie plot before buying the DVD. (Yes, I did this!)
446. When you don't mind the above fact.
445. When you think that hardcore Duffers should have been allowed to write the PC movie script.
444. Because you want to see somebody push Miraz off a cliff
443. And see somebody squirt Glozelle with squirty cheese
442. And see somebody put Nikabrik in the Insane Asylum
441. And see somebody stab the hag and werewolf with the butter knife
440. And forever imprison Sopespian (the one who isn't a Colts fan) in the Shiny Trash Can.