1000 More Reasons You Are Addicted to Narniafans

407. You're desperate enough to post in this thread if nothing better is current.... :D

(Oops, I think I just gave myself away...)
405。When you will never tell Glenburne about your special circle, just to drive her crazy.
(404。But if you are crazy enough, I've answered the question once in one of the three addiction threads . . . )
403。*pushes ES off cliff*
402. *whalesplats ES*
401. Did I just do that? *hides Whale #2 behind back*
400. Nope, I didn't. *drops bowl of petunias after ES*
375. When you consider your day productive although your history reading still isn't finished, because somebody posted in the Corrupt a Wish thread.
373. Since I never learned what either of those are...no.
372. When you get excited seeing patterns in the numbers on this thread.
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370. When you stop wondering how we'll ever get down to Addiction #1--because you already know.
364。Nope, sorry, it has not been quite a while, and I've already congratulated you . . .
363。You know what I blame for a messed up mind . . .
361. When you seriously consider writing a research paper on the genesis and current meaning of 'cliffsplat'.
360. When you decide not to, because it would take up time you could spend posting, instead.