1000 Signs Your Addicted To Dufferland

844. The Duffers is the very first forum you visit, and you spend your whole 1/2hour break on it only!!
843. You know every single Duffer, and you always greet them if you see them on another thread/forum.
842: you post this and post a reply on the other thread and you know you're back! as a duffer:D
841: you missed posting at the dufferland,
840: you make it sure that you post a reply on every single thread in the dufferland :D
835. Posting on dufferland is your whole social life.
834. you have posted so many double posts that the mods have stopped yelling at you, because they know it is a lost cause.
833. laughing often occurs in all your posts, not just those on Dufferland
832. You know exactly how many smileys you are allowed to post in a single post. (if you do not know it is four):D :D :D :D
#100,000,000) (really 831) You know all the Duffer jokes, objects, and have read most of the famous portions from the Summer of Gold EVEN THOUGH YOU JOINED ONLY A FEW MONTHS AGO!!!

#830) You get behind in your schoolwork and your sleep coming on here at ever impossible moment...:D
830. you ignore the fact that you have a French exam tomorrow to post on Dufferland
829. You wish that Duffer posts still count on your post count.
828 you post just to post even when there is an Exam for your college French class tomorrow that you have not studied for yet.:D :D :D :D
827. You know that GKoN is the scourge of the Order of the Can.
826. You are the one who gave him that name
825. You just double posted to tell every body.
824. This is your triple post on the thread and you still have stuff to say.
823. the Mafia Game 5 has not even started yet and you have already signed up for game 6.
823. You have posted the Last three posts and are back for more.
822. Your duffery habbits are spilling over and consuming your whole life:D
821. Your first french Exam is in one hour and twenty minutes and you are still Duffering.
820. You never study at your college's library because you are constantly Duffering there to get around the 45 minute limit your parents have imposed on your forum time.
817. When you post here, here, and here (all in one day).

lol, third time I'm posting this. ;)

816. When you shuffle through thirty pages just to see if there are any threads you feel like reviving.
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813. When you were once going to go through every page looking for threads to bump, but you knew that Derny actually had gone through every page a couple months ago, so you cheated by only going back until the last posting dates were just before the date of Derny's great labor - the reason for this cheating being that you wanted to see if anybody had responded to the threads you did bump.
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...so you cheated by only back until the last posting dates were just before the date of Derny's great labor...

Is that grammatically correct? I can't seem to make much sense of it.

And I did not look through the pages by dates, you get too many useless 4 posts thread that way. I looked at the threads by post count, as I figured any thread worth bumping would be more than 50 posts.

812. When you post even when you can't think of anything to say.
I missed a word. I'm not the gammar police, anyway. I'm just the spelling police.

811. When you believe posting when you have nothing to say to be a sort of mythical state of perfection, somewhat like Nirvana.