A Fantasy Story

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I thought this was funny! :D

I have to write more...*sigh* don't feel like writing at the moment...I'm just making some major adjustments to the plot. *bangs head against wall* Have you ever written 5 stories at once?
I've finished LOTS of stories! (They just don't seem to get posted on here!) :D I am trying...It's just I have soooooooooooooooooo many good plots to use, I can't just stick with one!
Elindil said:
I've finished LOTS of stories! (They just don't seem to get posted on here!) :D I am trying...It's just I have soooooooooooooooooo many good plots to use, I can't just stick with one!

I know the feeling. What's good is if you START the story and don't finish, years later you might find it and end up finishing it. As long as you have the plot, you can always set it aside...I do it ALL the time!
Be patient everyone :p *And I thought that I was impatient* You are doing very good Elindil, maybe you should try working on one or two at a time... I have difficulty working on both sides of my story.. The different characters, plots, and backgrounds spin and mix... :)
"What's that from..." Sherdac's voice trailed off. "Lief, look over there!"
Lief's gaze followed Sherdac's finger, "No..." He whispered when he saw the column of black smoke, rising from where his village was. "Father!"
"Go get our horse," Sherdac instructed.
Lief nodded, and ran towards the stable, but Sherdac's cry of pain stopped him. He spun around, and saw Sherdac had fallen to his hands and knees, an arrow stuck deep into his back. "Sherdac!" He rushed back, an arrow skimmed his shoulder, drawing blood, but he didn't care, Sherdac needed him.
"Lief," Sherdac gasped the name, blood running down the side of his mouth. "Lief I can't breath."
Lief shuddered, what should he do? He couldn't even see where the arrows were coming from. "Hold on Sherdac." He whispered, hovering over him. "I'll think of something." Then it struck him, of course! The sword! He drew it, just as another arrow, headed towards him. The sword danced in his hands, blocking every arrow that flew towards them.
The archer soon seemed to loose interest in them, and went elsewhere. But Lief knew the arrow had already done it's damage. Sherdac couldn't breath. Blood was spilling out of his mouth. The arrow had pieced his lung.
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