A Thread For LOTR Collectors

ONe of them I didnt' buy; my sister brought it from China. and the Legolas one I bought when I was *ahem* obsessed with Orlando Bloom...that only last like a year then I became sane. :D
I also have a Legolas one but I don't care much about Legolas and can't hang up all posters....I want my living room to stay healthy for visitors instead of making it a complete hobbit/LOTR home :D
I also have some Calendars I bought back in the US and Canada
I wish there was LOTR calender that covers more than just a year, maybe one that doesn't have year but only months with quotes to read everyday. Now a calender like that I would definatley buy. :)
Look in mall kiosks. There was one in amall near me that sold only calendars, and tons of them. I saw a Star Trek one..and a Star Wars one but we were on the other level and had to get somewhere so I didn't get to get a close look but...if you see one of those browse through them. I had already gotten a 2009 calendar (go figure!) when we came upon that particular kiosk. Needless to say, I wasn't happy.
my LotR mood will never go away :D

And I know there are such things as LotR desk calendars (my sister had one) I'm just not sure if I've seen any lately
If you aren't certain if your LOTR mood is going to last you better not start a big collection :p Otherwise you will get stuck with everything LOTR related :D

Well I've just starting feeling really happy with what I have. I mean I wouldn't mind collecting more, but I don't need more to be happy or to keep my obession going. :)
Sorting through my cards I'm reminded of just how much stuff I have - egads... I've been sorting through some of it this year, finding homes for whatever I have duplicates of or just don't geek out on as much as I do some other items.

I have 'Big Dog' LOTR stickers! :D I forgot about those!
Sorting through my cards I'm reminded of just how much stuff I have - egads... I've been sorting through some of it this year, finding homes for whatever I have duplicates of or just don't geek out on as much as I do some other items.

I have 'Big Dog' LOTR stickers! :D I forgot about those!

Any duplicates you have, you can send to me. I'll take them off your hands free of charge. :D
I'll bear that in mind. :p In good conscience, I'd have to give dibs to my own LOTR community first, but if none of them wanted whatever I dig up, you would be next!