A Thread For LOTR Collectors

I think he was moving or something. I know another family who has a few swords, I want to say they have Anduril, the Witch King's sword and Sting. They might have other ones too
Thanks for mentioning all those links... gotta check'em out when I decide to get more stuff for my collection.

And, thanks for the list of the action figures Vanessa. Time to check which ones I don't have. ;)
I keep on saying it....ebay has almost everything. 3/4th of my collection comes from ebay. Hergungwyrm, your collection is impressive as well! We seem to have both the same. My favorite piece is the Giant Sauron and of course my porcelain Frodo. I will post pics of him soon. He is my biggest and most expensive treasure. I bought it almost three years ago for 200 euro's. But it was worth it
My most expensive addition to my collection would have to be Anduril and Hadharfang. I do have a $80 copy of the LOTR Trilogy in one volume form, but that still does not come close to 200 euros. :)
Well, not me, per se, but my household has these:
---All three collector's set DVDs.
---Arwen Necklace (the plastic one---ha ha, why would I spend 100 bucks on the real silver one?:p)
---Several copies of the book
---Three bookmarks with fake one rings
---Several posters

I know, not very impressive, right? But I can claim to have watched all three, extended edition movies on one summer day (11 hours straight---I know it's crazy), and I think that's the mark of a true fanatic.:p
It's not how large or impressive your collection is.. It's how much your collection means to you. I myself prize my replicas and my volumes of the books. :)
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But I can claim to have watched all three, extended edition movies on one summer day (11 hours straight---I know it's crazy), and I think that's the mark of a true fanatic.:p

I still have to do that.. the closest I have gotten is watching 9 Hours straight of the TT and ROTK EEs. :D

I think I might get Narya instead of Brahir's Ring. :)
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Hahahaha! Good for you Gondorgirl.. I myself am still waiting for my poster of Aragorn. I'm thinking about possibly ordering one of Arwen to match. :D
Hahahaha! Good for you Gondorgirl.. I myself am still waiting for my poster of Aragorn. I'm thinking about possibly ordering one of Arwen to match.

That would be great :D

I have two LotR posters right now, one from RotK with Legolas, Aragorn and Frodo and one from FotR with Gandalf. That one is in a big frame on my wall and looks very impressive ;) :p

I used to have a lot of Legolas posters because I really do love Legolas in the books but it kind of made me look like I was obsessed with Orlando Bloom ;)