A Thread For LOTR Collectors

I will already write the boxsets down:
Coronation set
Black gates of Mordor set (include Mouth of Sauron and Steed)
Helms Deep set (Includes Haldir)
There and back again set (includes the four hobbits and Bilbo when they go to the Grey Havens)
Lothlorien set (Includes Celeborn and Haldir)

I'm going to write everything down but it's a huge list

Ooh we have the Coronation set and the there and back again set. Those are two of my favorites

I just ordered Hadharfang for my Birthday! :D :D :D

Awesome :p
We were at the mall yesterday and we stopped by the store that sells swords and other collector's items, I love looking at the swords there :D
I have written down all action figures I have. The list is long!
-Elven cloaked (single)
-Elven cloaked (with Boat and Sam)
-Webbed Frodo
- Orcish armor
-Mount Doom
-Ringwraith base
- Shire (with book)
- Shelob attack (with light of Eärendil)
- Rotocast (big action figure)
- Plush Frodo
- Larged sized doll with real clothes
- Giant porcelain Frodo around 1 meter tall

- Elven cloak (with boat and Frodo)
- Orcish armor
- Mount Doom
- Chambers of Mordor
- Rotocast

- Rohan Armor
- Double Blister pack (with orc)

- Gondorian armor
- Double pack (with Orc)

- Travelling Bilbo
- Birthday Bilbo
- Bilbo transfixed
- Prologue Bilbo

- Balrog battle Gandalf
- Gandalf the White
- Gandalf the grey
- Rotocast Gandalf

- Council of Elrond
- Weathertop Strider
- Black Gates of Mordor
- Rotocast Aragorn

- Council of Elrond
- Talking Legolas

- Last Alliance
- Council of Elrond

- Green dress Arwen
- Arwen with sword

- White dress
- Dark Galadriel

- With Horn and sword and shield
- Captain of Gondor

- With sword, shield and bow and arrows
- Captain of Gondor

- Smeagol / Fisherman
- Talking Gollum
- Giant action figure (says 22 sentences and sings fish song and has two replaceable heads)

- Eye of Mordor (talks)
- Giant prologue Sauron with lights and talks

- In fighting armor
- Purple dress
- Shield maiden of Rohan

- Sword attack
- Rotocast Eomer

- In Rohan armor
- Possessed Theoden

Single Action Figures (only one figure is made of them)

- Hama
- Gamling
- Prologue Elven warrior
- Gil- Galad
- Theodred
- King of Dead (glows in the dark)
- Gondorian ranger
- Gondorian swordsman
- Minas Tirith Citadel Guard
- Denethor
- King Elendil
- Prince Isildur
- Grima
- Fiery Ringwraith (lights up)
- Morgul Lord (Witch - King)
- Peter jackson (as hobbit)
- Treebeard
- Easterling
- Haradrim Archer
- Shelob
- Isengard Orc
- Lurtz
- Gorbag
- Shagrat
- Gothmog
- Orc Lieutenant
- Orc Captain
- Cirith- Ungol uruk Hai
- Ghrisnack
- Orc Overseer
- Crossbow Uruk Hai
- Battle Cry Uruk hai
- Berserker Uruk Hai

I forgot to say I also have these boxes:
- Fellowship of the Ring (all 9 figures so I also have Gimli)
- The two wizards (includes Saruman)
- Ringwraiths ( Includes Witch- King)

And I have Frodo and Arwen on Asfaloth
And Wargue rider with beast

I think this must be it :D
I can't think of a single toy I know of that is not on that list, go for it! ;) :D

I love to do that too.. however there are some stores that sell swords that have really off and dark vibes.

Yes, I avoid those, thank heavens for the ones that aren't.
Oh that's going to be the worst part, my sister once bought me this LotR necklace offline for my birthday in January and it didn't come until like May :rolleyes:
It depends on where and whom you order it from. I generally on;y order from Amazon for two reasons; first they are trustworthy so I know the merchandise I am getting is authentic and second their shipping is quite fast. the longest I had to wait was about a week or two and that was during the holidays.
Yes they do but eventually I'll run out of stuff I want to buy on there and start buying from other places ;)
Not really, but I don't want everything on there. I should rephrase that to say, eventually I'll run out of stuff in my price range :D :p
I nearly bought a sword once because I had got a large gift of money, however somehow I could not justify buying myself a sword.... I totally could now though :D
I would never sell my sword collection save for if it was to feed my family.. or help someone that was dear to me.. then with great anquish I would sell them. :)