Adventure through Middle-Earth

I'll take some ear plugs!
This is going to be even worse than Pippin dropping a stone down a well.

Flower: *gives Zella earplugs* I also have mufflers.:D
Caspian: a rock down a well is gonna be nothing compared to this... we should be afraid... very afriad...
me: why?
Caspian: don't you remeber Moria from the books and movies?
me: Yep, I was cracking up hystarically during the movie part.:p
Caspian: oh snip and then theres the swamp-kraken-thingy...
me: hahaha, "and the stone was just the right size..." :p
Frodo: you're forgetting, Casp, that this is the 'alternate reality' Middle Earth, so maybe we'll have no trouble.
me: and we don't have the Ring either.
Flower: anybody got a bow?
me: :rolleyes:
I'll take some ear plugs!
This is going to be even worse than Pippin dropping a stone down a well.:p

Me: Yeah but the orcs will be too busy rockin' out to fight us :D

Pippin: I resent that comment...

Me: Hey look Pippin! A rock and a really deep hole!

Pippin: Ooh fun! *drops rock*

Me: :rolleyes:
Khamûl *starts playing the Trumpet*
WK: Where is this good for??????
Khamûl: Hergungwyrm just told us to start playing
WK *grabs Trumpet*: No he didn't say that! And stop playing the Trumpet you fool! You are supposed to play the drums remember?
WK: Hergungwyrm...are you quite sure Khamûl never used too much pipeweed????
Khamûl *whacks WK*: If you mean I'm dumb Iyou are wrong!
Grima: He can't be dumb.....he ain't blond.......
Legolas: Nice joke Grima....hmpf :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Caspian: are we there yet?
Frodo: are we there yet?
Flower: have we even LEFT yet?

Fire: are we there NOW?!?!
me: they can keep doing this you know....
Let's start chanting, "ARE WE THERE YET? ARE WE THERE YET?"

Caspian and Frodo: YEAH!

Kittens: *chant* Are we there yet? Are we there yet? ARE WE THERE YET? ARE WE THERE YET??!?!?
Flower: I repeat! Did we ever LEAVE??!!
Me: if we didn't the kittens will end up driving.:rolleyes: *chants with kittens* Are we there yet? ARE WE THERE YET?!!?
It doesn't seem that anyone wants to answer us.:(

(Are we there yet?)

Fire: WHY OH CRUEL WORLD? WHY?!?!:( It must be Tiggy's fault, he enslaved them all!
Claw: Oh great Ribbony now you got the kits doing it.
Ribbony: Y'know we quarrel more than all the good guys and bad guys from Middle Earth do on this tour.
Claw: whats your point?
Ribbony: We're not there yet and its your fault.... Tiggy.
Claw: Thats it!:mad:
me: How about we just leave Tiggy in Moria? It'd be so much happier them.
Claw/Tiggy: Oh please do! ARE WE THERE YET?!?!
Balrog: Stop screaming or I will throw everybody out of the bus!
Gil: HEY! Calm down matey!
Me: Are we there yet?
Balrog *brakes*: There it is! MORIA! MY HOME! I MISS GANDALF!
Me: He thinks he is the funniest at home
Gil: Come on darling, let me guide you
Khamûl: Why should we fly?
WK: The panoramic view is very good in here when you fly your fell beast
Khamûl *starts playing the Trumpet*
Elrond *grabs Trumpet*: Not now you fool!
Me: I'm afraid it won't work much Elrond. The band will soon play at the bridge of Khazad- Dûm
Fire: FINALLY! Lets get this show offa road peoples!
me: yay, we can stop chanting! *gets off bus with kittens*
Frodo: it was kinda fun though.
Caspian: yeah.....
Flower: so we're headed down an' out?
me: yep!
Flower: under the mountian and through the tunnels to the other side we go!
me: oh boy.:rolleyes:
We're finally there! *Grabs compass and map and Elvish dictionary and water* I don't want to get lost and I want to be able to read that book and I'm still thirsty from all that chanting!
Me: *gets 'good' idea*

Pippin: *notices lightbulb above GG's head* What?

Me: Let's play hide and seek!

Pippin: yeah!!!!

Me: Not it!

Pippin: Not it!

Faramir: Not it!

All three: *look at Beregond*

Beregond: :rolleyes: okay, I'm not that great at hiding anyway. *begins counting* 1...2...3...

All: Yay!
Caspian: I wanna play.
Frodo: ok! *grabs Caspian and runs to hide*


Flower: should I break it to them that nobody knows they're playing?
me: naw they'll figure it out when nobody comes to find them.
Flower: Mewsie, they're my brother and cousin, an' they ain't always that bright.
me: they have their moments...
Flower: Kitten, they're taking turns hiding behind each other.:rolleyes:
me: you can't win em all!:D
Me: *gets 'good' idea*

Pippin: *notices lightbulb above GG's head* What?

Me: Let's play hide and seek!

Pippin: yeah!!!!

Me: Not it!

Pippin: Not it!

Faramir: Not it!

All three: *look at Beregond*

Beregond: :rolleyes: okay, I'm not that great at hiding anyway. *begins counting* 1...2...3...

All: Yay!

Can I play? I've always wanted to play hide and seek in a mine! (Well, not really, but it sounded good.:D)
Can I play? I've always wanted to play hide and seek in a mine! (Well, not really, but it sounded good.:D)

Me: Of course! Just make sure to tell Beregond that you're playing ;)

Pippin: I call the bridge!

Me: I call the collapsing staircases! :p