Mozart the Meerkitten
Well-known member
I'll take some ear plugs!
This is going to be even worse than Pippin dropping a stone down a well.
Flower: *gives Zella earplugs* I also have mufflers.
Caspian: a rock down a well is gonna be nothing compared to this... we should be afraid... very afriad...
me: why?
Caspian: don't you remeber Moria from the books and movies?
me: Yep, I was cracking up hystarically during the movie part.
Caspian: oh snip and then theres the swamp-kraken-thingy...
me: hahaha, "and the stone was just the right size..."
Frodo: you're forgetting, Casp, that this is the 'alternate reality' Middle Earth, so maybe we'll have no trouble.
me: and we don't have the Ring either.
Flower: anybody got a bow?