After Return of the King


Frodo shook his head, beams of sunlight reflecting off his dark strands of hair,

"I do believe we should all just appreciate the fact that Merry is safe again. He needs rest and I do not think conflict is going to benefit anyone right now."

He looked down, the grass blew quietly in the breeze.


Merry chuckled alittle, as Easta wrapped her arms tightly around him,

"Why of course, little Easta. There is always something to do out in Buckland and I'd be glad to show you all of it."

Kasey knodded and smiled about Merry and Easta.
She clip her hands to getter.
" Can I go fishing with you daddy?,"She ask.

Mar walk over to them with her arm still cross and her face still bright red then ever.
She clip her hands to getter.
" Can I go fishing with you daddy?,"She ask.

Mar walk over to them with her arm still cross and her face still bright red then ever.


Merry glanced up a moment at Mar, but quickly turned away. He wanted to avoid confrontation as much as possible right now, esspically around little Easta,

"Indeed, my dear girl. Fishing is one of us Brandybuck's specialties."

He smiled.
Arla noticed her and backed away a little trying not to cause bad feelings. Then she finally said, "Mar? Could I talk to you."

Bryan glanced nervously at his sister as did Kas.
Eastà smiled big.
" Yay I can't wait,"She said.

Mar look over to her.
" What?,"She ask.


Merry was silent a moment, watching the scene unfold out of the corner of his eye.


From his spot in the soft grass, Frodo also watched the two Elves intently. Turning to Kasey, Frodo asked,

"What do you also make of this situation, Kasey?"
"I have to go. I'll be back later." Arla told everyone. She started to walk away but Bryan stopped her.

"What's going on?" he asked in a whisper.

"I don't want to hurt Mar nor Merry." she answered.

"How do you figure you are? Because you love him.." she stopped him.

"No, because she does." She finished and pulled free from him. She looked at him with sad eyes then ran off.
"I have to go. I'll be back later." Arla told everyone. She started to walk away but Bryan stopped her.

"What's going on?" he asked in a whisper.

"I don't want to hurt Mar nor Merry." she answered.

"How do you figure you are? Because you love him.." she stopped him.

"No, because she does." She finished and pulled free from him. She looked at him with sad eyes then ran off.


Concern quickly began to fill Merry's eyes as he watched Arla begin to dissapear into the far off distance. Slowly raising up from the ground, Merry found himself standing upon his weary feet,

"W..will you excuse me for a moment, my dear girl?" ,questioned Merry, now looking down at the young Elf.
"Don't worry about me Legla. I'll get over it." Arla said. Using elven magic Arya changed out of her war clothes and into a long flowy dress with no shoes.