Another Doctor In Town -- DrWho RPG

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"Ah, there I've gone off again. I should have known I would do that." Seven grumbled. "And Ace had to go with him... me."

Ten and Rose got out of the truck and looked around. Ten smiled and Rose stared at all the jeeps parked around them. "Here we are, UNIT London HQ!" Ten said enthusiastically.

"Is this where you used to spend your spare hours?" Rose asked.

"Spare hours?" Ten asked as if it was the most absurd thing to asked. "I was exiled here. So you could say that. Home on Earth."

Rose nodded. "Great home."

One was the last out of the truck. He personally had never been to UNIT and seemed to be the only person who didn't recognize the place.


As soon as the Doctor was inside the barn Jo got out of Bessie. "Come on. We can't let him go in there alone."

Zoe was already out before she finished and she was soon joined by Ace. "Does your Doctor get himself in trouble often as well?" Ace asked.

"Often and he'll never admit he's wrong." Jo replied.

"Sounds a lot like mine." Ace wondered for a moment how her Doctor was getting along, but he was with all those other people and less likely to be harmed than Three.
"But where's he gone off to? That's more of the question now isn't it?" Five leaned against the truck, "And do we split up even more to go after them or do we assume they can handle whatever they run into?"

Martha and Barbara came out of the truck right before One, Martha was becoming quite excited about being back with the doctor... doctors...
Three waited by the door a moment to let his eyes adjust to the dim interior. The barn smelled more of motor oil and machinery than of hay and something had a motor thrumming somewhere. Nudging in past the dividing wall, he paused with only a small amount of surprise. It just figured the Master would be up to no good, what he needed to find out now was what sort of mischief it was. He hesitated, considering the girls that were waiting outside - no, it wouldn't take him but a few minutes to investigate this mysterious structure a little more closely...


"Wait, I'm coming too!" Victoria said, scrambling out of the car after the rest of them.

The four girls began to slowly make their way to the barn, Ace and Jo closely followed by Zoe and Victoria.


"They've gone missing? But, the girls are there!" Jamie was torn between concern and guilt. "I should've stayed with 'em!"

"Now now, Jamie," Two soothed. "I'm sure they're fine. They'll be along. And if they aren't, well..." He glanced around at all the others who were exploring the parking lot. "I'll just have to put my collective heads together and find them."

"This way!" Benton was calling as he led the way toward the doors. "Doctors, misses, sirs. We've posted a man to watch for our missing one. This way, if you please."

"You sound like a carnival-hawker," the Brigadier grumbled as he stalked past. "Though heavens knows we look like a carnival."

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Ten stroad into UNIT with Rose hurrying to keep up with him, and was soon stopped by the security. He reached for his sycic paper but stopped, realising that to them, John Smith was the third incarnation of himself.


They four girls quietly made their way to the barn. The door was open allowing them to go inside without a sound. The barn was quite large, and smelled of machinery. Jo wrinkled her nose as they came in. "It smells awful." She whispered.

Ace didn't seem to mind the smell. "Come on, we need to find where the Doctor is and where this bloke called the Master is."
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"They've gone missing? But, the girls are there!" Jamie was torn between concern and guilt. "I should've stayed with 'em!"

"Now now, Jamie," Two soothed. "I'm sure they're fine. They'll be along. And if they aren't, well..." He glanced around at all the others who were exploring the parking lot. "I'll just have to put my collective heads together and find them."

"This way!" Benton was calling as he led the way toward the doors. "Doctors, misses, sirs. We've posted a man to watch for our missing one. This way, if you please."

"You sound like a carnival-hawker," the Brigadier grumbled as he stalked past. "Though heavens knows we look like a carnival."


"Yes they'll be fine Jamie, we don't have that little faith in our past, or future, self." Five put in, "Now where are we going?"
"If you can just give me a chance to explain-" Ten started.

Be quiet!"

"Why couldn't you have just used your sycic paper?" Rose whispered to him angrily.

"Remember that the other of myself is here. It wouls cause more confusion if I put myself here as John Smith." He whispered back.

"I said be quiet!"

"I belive we go this way." Seven said, following the Brigadier's lead. As they came inside they all saw Ten and Rose being held by security.

"That is why you should rush ahead like that hm?" One said and laughed a bit to himself.


The Master, or atleast what would seem to be the Master, stood by a doorway to a room braching off of the barn in view of the Doctor.
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Martha shook her head when she saw Ten and Rose with security. That was the Doctor all over, at least her doctor. She looked around interestedly, she was interested in what UNIT looked like before her time.
The Brigadier marched past the row of people to where his security men were (quite rightly) blocking them all from entering.


"Sir!" they said, snapping to attention.

"These people are here as guests of UNIT, I'll need temporary passes issued for each."

"Yessir," they said, one of them stepping over to the desk to rummage for passes to fill out.

"Once they have passes, they are to be shown to the Doctor's lab."

"The Doctor....?"

"They're associates of his. Notify me if any of them leaves, or if any additional members of the party arrive."

"How will we know them, sir?"

"They'll most likely be inquiring either for myself or looking for the Doctor or his lab. Now carry on. Benton! Come give these chaps a hand, will you?"

"Yessir," Benton said cheerfully. He picked up a handful of papers and a clipboard then turned to Ten, Rose and Martha. "John Smith the Tenth, I presume," he said writing 'John Smith X' rapidly and going to the next. He smiled at the ladies. "And your names again, Miss?"
"Rose Tyler." Rose replied dryly. She was suprised that the Doctor had stayed in one place long enough to become staff there, but it had been a long time since he was here... for him atleast. She'd heard about UNIT before. The Doctor talked about it as if it was some time long past and seemed quite happy to be back.

One smiled. "I would be the original." he said. "And this is Ian Chesterton and Barbara Write."

"Seventh of the lot." Seven said. "And would you make a pass for my friend Ace? She's gone off with my third self."


"That's the Master." Jo said quietly pointing toward where she saw him by a room. He disapered inside.

"Come on." Ace said and hurried toward where they saw him.

"Ace!" Jo tried to stop her but as Zoe followed she couldn't do a lot about it.

"Come on Victoria." Jo sighed. "We'd better go with them."
Two turned to Jamie. "Now we're getting somewhere." He looked up at Benton and opened his mouth to say something only to have Benton grin and hand the two of them their passes, all made out.

"I know which one you are," Benton said. Two preened a little at that. "And Jamie too," he said as he scribbled on another. "I'll go ahead and make one out for your young ladies, let's see, Zoe...?"

"Heriot," Jamie supplied. "An' Victoria Waterhouse. Look, you know that third Doctor pretty well, right?"

"I suppose as well as anyone here," Benton said, writing out the passes.

"Does he get into much trouble?"

"Oh, all the time!" Benton said with a smile. He handed over the girl's passes. "But near as I can tell, they all do that." He looked up. "All right! Is that everyone? Good. This way, please."


Three thought he heard something back by the barn door and grimaced. He should've figured Jo wouldn't stay put. Come to think of it, from what he remembered of Zoe and Victoria, they wouldn't either. He could only hope Ace might...but doubted it, if she were traveling with a version of him.

He knew it might be a trap, but he had to find out anyway. No time like the present.

He followed the retreating form of the Master through the doorway. Sure enough, right behind him he heard a muffled clang as a caged gate slammed down into place.

"A cage? Isn't that a little melodramatic?" he asked, patting his pocket for his screwdriver.
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"Doctor!" Jo cried as she reached where the Doctor had just been trapped. She looked through the bars into the room. "Where'd he go?" She gasped.

"Did you see him go in here too, Doctor?" Zoe asked.


Ten was the first into the lab with Rose right behind him. He looked around at the gadgets and wiring that may around.

"There's something familiar." Rose said motioning to Three's TARDIS.

"Ah yes! The TARIDS. Well my former self's TARDIS." Ten said. "Come on." He unlocked the door, having the same key, and went inside.

Rose grinned and followed. "You've done some remodeling here."

"Well more so the ninth incarnation of myself has done the remodeling." Ten explained.

"Very... white." She heard voices of the crowed catching up and entering the lab. "I think we should go back out."

"Allons-y." Ten said and almost bounced out of Three's TARDIS. Rose quickly followed.

"Why must you always rush ahead of us, hm? You should be more considerate of the rest of us." One said lightly hitting Ten's leg with his cane.

Seven picked something up and looked at it. "Ah yes! A microwelding atomizer! I never did suceed in making it work."
Martha got her pass, wondering if the present day UNIT had her listed as being there years and years ago, and followed the rest of them into the lab. She was not surprised that once again number Ten was at the head of the pack.

ooc: finished a fourth Doctor Episode and a fifth Doctor episode, now on another fifth Doctor one :D
"Oh, he had a secondary door just the other side," Three said with resignation. "And he's probably eavesdropping. I told you to stay in the car, by the way. The last thing I need is to endanger any of you. Ah, there it is." He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and checked the settings on it.


"Oh yes," Two said, rubbing his hands together. "This is rather fun, isn't it?"

Jamie picked up an odd bit with little rotating wires coming out of it. "What's this?"

Two plucked it from his hand and flipped the little wires around with his thumb. They spun in more than one direction with a little hum. "Oh my word. Dear, dear. What in the world was I thinking when I put that one together? It's completely wrong, you know."

"But what is it?"

"Why it's a simple time-anomaly detector, of course. Except it can't be right because it's indicating there's one quite close by..."

"That would be us, wouldn't it?"

"Oh. Yes. Well."

Jamie just looked at him, grinning. "So it's right."

"All right, all right. Perhaps I'm not always as much of a fool as I think I am." He put it down and turned to the crowd poking into all the drawers and cupboards in the room. "Now how about those bits of meteorite? And has anyone found the tea?"
"I'll make some, Doctor. You want to come with me, Martha?" Rose asked.

One, Two, Five, Seven, and Ten all pulled a pice of meteor out of the pocket at once. "Here" they all said with an asortment of words afterwords wich wouldn't be made out.


"But Doctor. We couldn't let you come in alone. And it seems you'll need our help after all." Jo said.

"Do you want me to blow you out?" Ace offered.
"I'll make some, Doctor. You want to come with me, Martha?" Rose asked.

One, Two, Five, Seven, and Ten all pulled a pice of meteor out of the pocket at once. "Here" they all said with an asortment of words afterwords wich wouldn't be made out.


"But Doctor. We couldn't let you come in alone. And it seems you'll need our help after all." Jo said.

"Do you want me to blow you out?" Ace offered.

"Sure," Martha answered, "We'll leave the Doctors to do the technical stuff until they need us."

"Now," said five, "let's see if we can do something without getting all messed up. What would be the best way to examine these bits of meteor?"
"I think we should have a look at what kinds of equiptment we have here." One said.

"As I recall I did have something that may be of use here." Seven replied.

"Been a bit longer for me." Ten looked over to Three's TARDIS. "Maybe there's something in there." He mused to himself.


"So you and the Doctor travled together for a while?" Rose asked as her and Martha walked down the hall of UNIT. They had forgotten to ask where they could evne find tea and were meaninglessly walking down the hall in hopes that somehow they would be brought to a kitchen or canteen.
Two looked over at One. "It would seem our later counterparts have a bit of an advantage over us, wouldn't it? How inconvenient. I suppose we'll just have to settle for trying to guess where we might put something instead of remembering."

He turned in a slow circle, considering the cluttered lab. "Oh look, a bunsen burner! At least if this takes a while we might be able to make some cocoa."


Three blinked at Ace as she extracted a can of nitro from her jacket. "Blow me out? Did I hear you correctly? My dear girl...! Does my other self just let you run about with dangerous explosives like that?"

Victoria, who'd been hanging back a bit to keep an eye on things noted some movement off to the side. "Zoe," she whispered. "There's someone over that way... come on...!"
Zoe nodded quietly and followed Victoria.

"I'm perfectly quallified to use them." Ace said, feeling rather insultled at the remark.

Jo giggled. "I don't think the Doctor will be needing those."


"I think we should take a look in the TARDIS." One said making his way around his other selves to get to the blue police box.

"What a very good idea!" Seven said. "Why didn't I think of that?"
Three smiled at Jo. "Yes, she's right. I'm pretty sure I could open this up if I needed to, but I'd like to find out what our good friend the Master had it set up for in the first place."

He turned to the walls. "And as I'm reasonably sure you must be listening in, what are you up to, anyway?"


Victoria and Zoe tiptoed around the edge of the barn.

"What is that?" Victoria whispered, gesturing at the large metal box within the barn. "It's like a building inside a building... and look..." She pointed to where they could now just see a darkly dressed man. His back was to them as he twiddled controls on a panel.


Benton shook his head. "I don't think the Doc is going to like all of him trooping into his TARDIS that way," he commented to no one in particular. He noticed two of the girls were headed off down the hallway, so he headed after them. Better to not have too many of them just wandering about, even if in this case neither of them was a Doctor.

"Miss?" he called. "Can I help you find something?"
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