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"Ah, there I've gone off again. I should have known I would do that." Seven grumbled. "And Ace had to go with him... me."
Ten and Rose got out of the truck and looked around. Ten smiled and Rose stared at all the jeeps parked around them. "Here we are, UNIT London HQ!" Ten said enthusiastically.
"Is this where you used to spend your spare hours?" Rose asked.
"Spare hours?" Ten asked as if it was the most absurd thing to asked. "I was exiled here. So you could say that. Home on Earth."
Rose nodded. "Great home."
One was the last out of the truck. He personally had never been to UNIT and seemed to be the only person who didn't recognize the place.
As soon as the Doctor was inside the barn Jo got out of Bessie. "Come on. We can't let him go in there alone."
Zoe was already out before she finished and she was soon joined by Ace. "Does your Doctor get himself in trouble often as well?" Ace asked.
"Often and he'll never admit he's wrong." Jo replied.
"Sounds a lot like mine." Ace wondered for a moment how her Doctor was getting along, but he was with all those other people and less likely to be harmed than Three.
Ten and Rose got out of the truck and looked around. Ten smiled and Rose stared at all the jeeps parked around them. "Here we are, UNIT London HQ!" Ten said enthusiastically.
"Is this where you used to spend your spare hours?" Rose asked.
"Spare hours?" Ten asked as if it was the most absurd thing to asked. "I was exiled here. So you could say that. Home on Earth."
Rose nodded. "Great home."
One was the last out of the truck. He personally had never been to UNIT and seemed to be the only person who didn't recognize the place.
As soon as the Doctor was inside the barn Jo got out of Bessie. "Come on. We can't let him go in there alone."
Zoe was already out before she finished and she was soon joined by Ace. "Does your Doctor get himself in trouble often as well?" Ace asked.
"Often and he'll never admit he's wrong." Jo replied.
"Sounds a lot like mine." Ace wondered for a moment how her Doctor was getting along, but he was with all those other people and less likely to be harmed than Three.