Another Doctor In Town -- DrWho RPG

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Three looked around, frowning. "I'm sure we'll find out before too long, especially if this keeps up," he said. He stuck his hands in his pockets and went up to Two. "Why did you come here?" he said rather accusingly. "Can't you see I'm here already?"

Two frowned back. "Well, I can see my manners still leave something to be desired, don't they? The TARDIS came here of its own accord, or someone drew it here. I would say the second guess is the correct one, judging by the crowd of me here already. I might return the question and ask why the rest of me is here."

"I came by car," Three said, gesturing to where Bessie was parked. "There was a meteorite that made landfall somewhere in the vicinity."

"A meteorite? How curious." Two suddenly noticed Jo half-hiding behind Three. "Oh hello, my dear! I remember you, from that business with Omega, wasn't it? This is Victoria Waterfield, and that over there is Jamie." He poked Three. "This fellow I already know, as you're well aware."

"Can you get your TARDIS to leave?" asked Three.

Two turned and looked up at him. "My my, I'm not very good at making introductions and I'm not very welcoming either, am I?"
"Earth by the looks of it." He said. "Now, Susan. You stay here with Ian and me and Barba will take a look around."

Barbara went with the Doctor out of the TARDIS into the Quarry and looked all around. "Doctor, is that what it looks like?" she asked, pointing up to the edge of the quarry where she could see just the edge of what looked like a Blue Police Box.


"That's more like it," said five to two, "Thank you for pointing that out. I thought my TARDIS was in good condition and it seemed odd that I didn't end up where I had intended."
"Hello!" Two said congenially, shaking Five's hand. "I say, which one of me are you? You seem an improvement over Fancy-pants there. Still, he does have a point - pardon me, but I'm going to see if the...that is *my* TARDIS will leave this rather overcrowded quarry or not." He turned and gathered up his own companions. "Come along! Let's see what happens."

Stepping back into his own TARDIS, he hit the door control and quickly worked his way around the console setting knobs and levers. "All right... here we go..."

There was a promising wheezing groan. The people outside it watched as the light blinked and the box started to fade away, then solidified again.

The door opened and Two looked out again. "Oh dear, I was hoping I'd at least jumped enough to get rid of you."

"No such luck," said Three. "It looks like you're all just as stuck as I am."
"It would be no use for the rest of us to try then." Five admitted, "So do we just wait for whoever brought us here to show up?"

ooc: just a thought, has anyone taken the Tenth Doctor's Master yet? Though it might be kind of hard because of how short of a time he was there I could think of a way :D
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ooc|| Ok. Jo reads an article in a newpaper about a meteorite that fell in a quarry so Three takes her in Bessy to go see it. Then Ten comes, then Five, then the first Master, then One who can't see the others yet because he's down lower in the quarry, and last is Two. None of them can leave, Two tried. Companions so far are:

Ian, Barbra, Jamie, Victoria, Nyssa, Rose, and Martha. Also there's Benton and the Brigadier.
"Alright Doctor, now could you tell us what's going on?" Jamie asked, speaking for both him adn Victoria. He was confused about it all but accepted it. It seemed that there were too many things in the universe for his mind to comprihend.
Tenth, had landed it safely but hadnt been sure exactly where.

"Doctor do you actually know where we are," asked Rose.

"Not exactly," said Tenth, "Oh well only one way to find out," he said grinning and running over to his doors to throw them open and stepped outside.
Everyone was silenced as the mysterious TARDIS's doors finally opened and out came an extreamly skinny, tall man with rather unkept hair and a young girl.

"Not another one." Jo said quietly to herself.
Two rumpled up his hair and turned to Jamie. "In brief, it appears we've been brought here, though by who or what we don't know yet. Do you remember Polly and Ben, and their telling you about how I changed my appearance?"


"Well, I've apparently done it more than I expected. These other gentlemen here are all me. Myself. From other parts of my timestream."

Victoria nodded. "Like if I met myself as a girl, and then as an old woman?"

"Yes! Precisely! Well done, Victoria. Go explain it to Jamie, he looks a little confused. Now pardon me, it seems another of me has arrived." He trotted away from them to where Three was already approaching this new Doctor with long strides.

Three looked down at Two with some annoyance. "I'm perfectly capable of greeting myself without my help." He stopped and rocked back on his heels, crossing his arms as he considered the new arrival. "Sure enough, it's me again. I was hoping not. Which regeneration?"
"All of them are you now are they?!" Jamie asked loudly.

"Doctor." Jo said at first a bit quietly. "Doctor. Doctor!" She said much louder pulling on his arm.
"Hmm? Oh. Well it depends what it looks like." One said. "Why don't we go take a look."


The Master smiled as he walked down the quarry. Things were going acording to his plans, atleast somewhat. But nevertheless he could always improvise the for the situation. One of the Doctors, the one who was closer to his position at the lower quarry had been knocked out cold and should be out of his way for a while. The others, well they would have to be delt with later.

ooc|| The Master thought Ian was the first Doctor because he doesn'tr know what One looks like so he thinks that One is out of the picture for a while.
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ooc|| Barbara. One, Barba, and Ian are lower in the quarry so they don't know about the others.
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"What is it?" Three asked, turning to Jo. "I'm a little busy just now..."

Two walked right up to Ten and grabbed his hand, pumping it up and down with enthusiasm. "Tenth! Are you really! Capital! Just splendid to meet you! I'm the second, but I expect you already knew that." He let go of Ten's hand and gave Rose a little bow. "And who's this lovely lady, if I might inquire?"
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