another harry potter rpg but its different

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"Yes," Cho replied happily. She had tied her hair into a partial ponytail and her Quidditch robes hung gracefully around her shoulders.
ooc- we should wait for pollywannabe to come on so until then cho and stella can just talk

"i cant wait to see the slytheryns faces when we win" stella said excitedly
"It'll be quite satisfactory," Cho nodded in agreement. "But what about Draco? How do you think he'll act at the ball if we win?
Neville came up to Luna being a little nerves.
" ah, Lu-Luna do you wa-want to go to the ball with me," he ask playing with his fingers

Luna smiled.
" yes Nevllie I be glad to," she said with a smile

Neville now had a smile on his face.
" good," he said looking at the others.
OOC: Janny150

Luna went to the common room and sat next to breadly.
" Apple?," she ask with a weak smile on her face.

Gretchen was still waiting for Draco to answer her.
She played with it for awhile.
" I don't know I think I got ask to go to the ball but I don't," she said with a frown.

Neville was at the great hall sitting with his friends.
She look up at him.
" oh Nerville did," she said looking out side,
she then took a bite of the apple.
" did anyone ask you?," she ask pulling her blond hair out of her eyes.
She look at cho.
" hi," she said quitly takeing another bite of the apple,
she stop she got up and place her wand between her ears.
" who well you ask is Gretchen?,she ask .
stella came downstairs to the common room all ready for the quidditch match wearing her quidditch robes carrying her new broom and sitting next to cho "hey" stella said happily
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