another harry potter rpg but its different

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Bradley laughed. "Okay. I'll see you there...after we're done kicking Slitherin's but tonight." He nudged her playfully.
ooc: We're waiting for Pollywannabe to come on so we can start the Quidditch match. Bradley just asked Gretchen to the ball, and the rest of us are just basically waiting to start the match. :D
She rolled her eyes.
" yea what ever I think you loose," she said playing with him,
she walk away .

Luna was still in the great Hall thinking.
Bradley chuckled as he watched Gretchen walk away. He turned around and sat back down feeling much less stressed than earlier.
Gretchen was looking for a dress for the Ball she was all ready for the game.

Luna was in the Common room now studying about Charms.
Bradley shrugged. "So is Draco." He didn't know what made him say that, but he couldn't take it back.

Hermione walked into the common room. "Hello Harry." She smiled.
Grenchen walk aorund the castle she have any thing to do at time.

Luna got up to find Nerville

Nerville was still at the great hall with his bodies.
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